Is it safe?

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Pov Dipper

"Subject D0A42, ready for testing, " I heard another voice after this one.
"We have injectors S83OL, T68OM, U38O6N, and G52OX,"
"We're missing D1PP18,"
"I'll find it, but start the testing and make sure he lives because we don't have subjects like this, " The same voice as last time said.
"He's a powerful one, but the drugs to numb his body are working perfectly," The other one said.
"N-No...S-Stop it!"
"Just stand still and this won't hurt, remember who you're doing this for," She laughed at the end.
"Keep quiet you stupid kid," A man said.
"S-Stop it..." I mumbled.
"Just a few more and your skin is turning darker almost pitch black, we're hitting gold," She said.
"Found it," 
"Get that one away from me!" I shouted.
"You need an open wound for this and a deep on," She grabbed a knife and smiled at me.
"We just need to test it on you again to see if it does something different," The male said.
"Stop it!"

I jolted up and scanned the cave out of fear. I lifted up my shirt and looked at the scars that place left me and then looked at my arms, they're so many injection scars too.  I didn't realize that I fell asleep, I guess I needed some sleep. I haven't slept for weeks after all. I looked at Mabel and Star they were still sleeping. 

I looked at my other arm and it was pitch black. I slowly got up and walked a few inches away from the cave. I looked at the trees and took a deep breath. I looked at my other arm and it turned pitch black too lucky me

Why does that same nightmare come back?

I'm tied to a metal table and I couldn't break free, the knots were tight. I remember it all so clearly, I just wish I couldn't forget it all. I just can't. It always hurts, I try not to think about it but it always comes back.

"You're okay, " I mumbled.
"I don't have to worry anymore, " I said.

I froze when I heard something in the distance, it was a loud boom sound. I race back inside the cave. Star was awake and she was shaking. She looked at me and her face was full of fear.

"Are they coming?" Star mumbled.

I went up to her and held her tight. God damn it, Mabel I told her not to tell her until she was older about them. At least she knows who they are but the bad side is she's going to be more scared then she already is about this world. 

I mean even before this world was terrifying, but it's awful now just a hot mess. 

"No, don't worry, " I said.
"Are you sure?" Star asked me.
"I'm sure because as long as I'm here, no one will hurt you." I smiled.
"Are we going to leave soon?" Star asked.
"Yes, " I answered.
"When can we stop?" Star said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"When can we stop running?" Star mumbled.
"One day, we can have a place where we don't have to be afraid. I don't know when that day will come but it will." I said.
"I hope it does soon," Star mumbled.
"Me too, " I smiled.
"Me too," I muttered. 

Star went through my bag and pulled out something. It was a book we found a few weeks ago, we found it in a gas station.

"Why was this book blank? Well, it was blank but you writing a lot in it." Star said.
"Well this is a journal you write things and I could be anything you want. I use this as a diary because we don't have a calendar and here I write the days we've been out here. I also write my thoughts and teach you your letters, you're getting a lot better." I said.
"How many days have I been out here? I mean I know we've been out here for a while, but how many days?" Star asked.
"Well we've been here for a while, but I think this is our third year." I smiled.
"Why was Mabel mad yesterday?" Star said.
"Well Mabel wants to take some risks, but I believe it isn't right to take a risk at the moment because it's not safe enough. I know it doesn't make sense to you right now, but keeping you safe and making right choices is all we have right now and not playing it safe doesn't feel right, right now." I said.
"Where will we be safe?" Star said.
"When we find somewhere where they won't find us. In the middle of nowhere and we can grow plants and eat them." I smiled.
"I wanna see a carrot, " Star cheered
"You'll see a carrot," I said while hugging her.
"Yay!" She so happy. 

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