I-It hurts

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Pov Dipper

I felt so much pain. This pain felt familiar to me for some reason. The pain in my arms was bringing back memories. Memories that I don't want to remember. I felt tremendous pain near my right shoulder and upper leg area.

I finally opened my eyes and then closed them because of the light. I slowly adjusted to the lights and slowly sat up. I looked at my left arm and I was hooked up to an IV machine. I quickly took it off because I didn't trust it. I pushed down my sleeve and noticed something different from my clothes.

These aren't my clothes. I was wearing a light blue bottom up stripped pajamas. I looked around the room and my heart stopped. My eyes widen as I covered my mouth.

"W-We c-can't be here," I mumbled.
"T-They took us," I stuttered.
"I-I don't want to go through this again," I wanted to cry.
"S-Star M-Mabel," I said.
"I'm so sorry,"

I saw a desk and there was a mirror and a few things on the desk. There was a chair and there was my bag! I had this weird feeling at the bottom of my stomach as I looked around the room again. Wouldn't there be guards watching me in case I woke? I looked at the button up that I was wearing and rolled up my sleeve. 

They fixed the burn mark on my arm. Weird. They usually don't care about us. I clutched my fist as I looked at the walls. I rolled down my sleeves and moved the blanket aside. 

Where are my pants? Wait... W-Who undressed me? A light blush went across my face as I hugged myself. This is weird. 

"This is embarrassing," I mumbled.

I need to get my bag and then look for my clothes. Maybe my pants are in my bag. I felt neck and realized that my dog tags were missing. I hope there in my bag because there's something in my chain that's important to me. I placed my feet on the ground and got off the bed. 

My leg completely gave up on me and I fell on the ground on my right side. Why couldn't it be my left side?

"That hurt," I said. 
"Please don't make my life harder legs I need you," I said.
"I sound stupid talking to myself," I muttered.

I slowly went on my knees and looked at the chair. I stood up as my legs wanted me to fall back down. I leaned against the nearest things to help me get to the desk to find at least a clue why this place is so different or my pants. Either on is fine. I walked slowly to the desk which took me a while because I had to use the wall for balance. 

When I got to the desk I looked at the mirror and the thought about so many things. Then something hit me when I looked at the corners of the walls from the mirror.

"Cameras," I said.

If there aren't any guards in here maybe they have cameras inside each room. They're getting smarter. I looked around the desk and found my dog tags which gave me some comfort. I wanted to sure I had mine and someone else's that I hold dear to my heart. There were five, three of mines and two of mine. 

I placed it around my neck and stumbled to the chair and was about to look through my bag until I heard the doorknob.

It opened and froze when I heard the door close. I saw a guy slightly taller than me about the same age as me.

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