Chapter 1: Kit

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Although school has technically already begun and Starbucks released their seasonal drinks long ago, it is finally Autumn. September 22 and my first day of senior year. Our white Honda Fit pulls up to the front of the very intimidating Leighton Prep. Mom and Dad, both in the front seat, are holding hands, a type of affection I haven't seen them exhibit in a long time. Then there is Leo, who I am genuinely confused about how he ended up in our family, that little demon. Despite the middle seat between us, he still manages to elbow me in the ribs while competing in a gaming competition on his iPad, his fingers moving rapidly across the screen. I don't think I'll miss him right away.

I jump out of the car and take a quick glimpse of my surroundings. The school is enormous, ancient white buildings and fountains taking up most of the space. The not-so-chilly Northern California breeze slaps against my back, sending my ponytail in a thousand directions. I yank the suitcase, trash bag of blankets, and my backpack out of the car, my little brother still completely oblivious to his surroundings.

I ruffle his hair from behind and sign a quick goodbye. Bye, Leo. Love you. He looks up from his device and smiles brightly, the kind of grin I've come to remember him by. He signs so quickly I can barely keep up with everything Leo says, catching only the ridiculous nickname he has given me... Smalls.

Turning to my parents with the same goofy smile plastered on my face I say my goodbyes.

"Swim some laps for me, Kit," Daddy says, rubbing my mother's shoulders affectionately.


He kisses me on the forehead and I give them both hugs before they return to the car and drive away.

The analytical part of me knows that it will only be two months before I go home for Thanksgiving break, but my emotional side hits me harder with the realization that it is two months. Two months of school. Yikes.

I shift in the chair beneath me, uncomfortable from the two hours I have been sitting in registration. The receptionist, Jenna my old friend of 1 year, sifts through drawers and stacks of student files. I glance at the clock hanging from the soft blue wall while releasing an exasperated sigh... only 4:00 p.m. A polished glass case sits in the far corner of the room, a home for the many, many trophies our high school owns. A single silver trophy dedicated to the Leighton Prep Swim Team sits in the corner--- second place and collecting dust. At least not for much longer.

"Here we are," Jenna forces a smile while handing me a stack of papers. "The first few pages contain your dorm information and this," she explains handing me an envelope, "Is your ID and meal card. If you would like a copy of Leighton Prep's rulebook, it can be found on our website," she hands me a piece of paper filled with contact information. "You also have access to the phone numbers here." She pulls her mauve glasses down to the edge of her nose and lets her expression fall flat and serious. "If you need anything Kit, I mean anything, please hesitate to come to me and instead make your way to our school counselor. Room 217 outside of the cafeteria"

"Thanks, Jenna, I mean Mrs. Jones," I shout back before exiting the building.

Outside, I spot a very familiar waterfall of fiery, red hair that belongs to the not so delicate Dani. The tall girl is shouting something as her hands are waving frantically in the air. I start to study her latest victim as I wait. He isn't too bad looking. His golden hair is effortlessly gelled to the side, giving me a perfect view of his eyes. They captured the magnificence of the calm before the storm. A light blue sky piercing through the thunderous clouds. This must be the guy all the girls fall on their knees for. Everything about him held confidence, but sadly his stance screamed arrogance. Why is Dani talking to a guy like him?

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