|17| Distraction

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"Raye, I don't know if I can keep working for him." I shook my head. "I'm already scared of losing myself in someone else." I paused, "Imagine me losing myself when almost the whole world is involved."
"Well I can see why you'd be scared of that." Raye finally spoke up.
Right when I left Justin's house I called Raye to meet me as soon as she could. I needed her advice and of course her two cents involve me actually giving Justin and I a chance at this. I sound like a broken record, but I don't think this is going to end well.
"Sienna. You can't avoid it, you work for him."

"Then maybe, I should just quit." I spoke up. "Not an option."
"I'm going to call Tonia and tell her I need a new person to manage."
"Sienna, don't be like this. Wonder if Justin's the one."
"Raye he's not the one." I scolded her. Raye rolled her eyes, "Fine do what you feel is right then. Just keep in mind that every single time I've given you advice that you took from me, ends up amazing in the end."
She was right.
Everything she's ever said has helped me a lot.


I laid in bed for the remainder of the day. I would think about Justin and then about Raye's opinion.
Wonder if he was the one?
Wonder if I'm overthinking it?
This all felt like a dream, but I knew it wasn't. I would ask my sisters opinion, but she would tell me to do it because it's Justin Bieber. She'd probably say, "This is a once in a chance lifetime achievement. Go for it."
So I called Raye to let her know that I wasn't going to leave my job. I was going to stick it out and see what this life has for me.


The next day.

I walked into Justin's house. Nerves were bouncing everywhere in my body. The house was quiet, I didn't know if he was here or not. So I made my way up the stairs and into my office. There was a note on my desk saying:

Sorry about what I said yesterday, if you really don't want to be near me anymore, I understand. I'm out in a hike with a couple friends, so feel free to just take the day off. You need it, especially after everything has has gone down.


I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Just letting you know that I'm at the house and I will not be leaving you and I'm not taking a day off. See you when you get back. :)

See you soon Sienna.

I grabbed the note and tucked it in my bag and started to get to work.
Raye was also on her way over with a couple pieces for him to try on.
An hour later, Justin and Raye show up. I stay in my little office until I'm needed. I didn't want to send out a certain vibe. I finally finished the designs for the stage and I was pretty impressed with my work.
I walked down the stairs quietly and once I touched the living room floor, I greeted both Justin and Raye.

"Hey guys." I smiled. Justin turned around, "Hey Sienna." And Raye looked up from her paper that she was writing on, "Hey girl."
I smiled and walked over to the couch and sat down.
I felt awkward, but at the same time I didn't. Then I told myself, "This is your job and nothing more."
"Uh, Justin, I finished the design of the stage." I said handing him my sketches. He took them and filed through the pages.
"I like it. Now we just have to see what the team members think." He grinned and handed me back the pages.
"I'll take them down right now." I said standing up. Justin quickly shook his head, "Wait for me, I'll go with you."
"We have two more outfits to go over, we should be done in a couple minutes." Raye chimed in. I sighed, "Okay." Then I headed back upstairs to collect my things.


Justin and I walked into the building that we were meeting the team in. It was very isolated in the back of a lot. What I've learned so far about Justin is that, he keeps to himself, he'd rather be locked up in his house than be out partying with friends. Kickbacks instead of ragers.
I presented the designs to Scooter and the gang, it took a while because they had to crunch numbers and find out the labor of building some pieces that can't be done. While they discussed, I stepped out of the room to ease the tension I was beginning to feel.

I shook my head, "I'm thinking about this too hard." I said to myself.
"Thinking about what?" Justin's voice sounded through the air. I jumped and looked over at him. "Nothing."
"Really? It's nothing?" He grinned, walking closer to me. "Umhm. If it was important I would've told you what is on my mind."
He nodded and sat down next to me.
We sat in silence. The same awkward silence that was in the car on the way up here.

"I really am sorry Sienna." He began. "About?"
"Everything. Hailey mostly." He chuckled. "But  I'm not sorry about liking you. I told myself I was going to drop it, but I physically and mentally can't."
I sat there looking straight in front of me, I didn't want to make any eye contact with him whatsoever.
"When you walk into the house, I feel a brush of energy race through me. You give me something that Hailey never did...And I mean that." Justin then got up and placed his hand on the handle of the door. "They should be done with everything now."
I nodded and slowly stood up from the bench. The only thing going through my mind was Justin's confession.

It's only going to go downhill from here.

This book is now placed on SLOW UPDATES. I want to make this as good as possible and in order to do that, I have to take time with it.

Thank you for being patient and thank you to the ones who gave me feedback when I asked for it. I appreciate you so so much :) <3

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
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