|6| Distraction

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You're lying to me! There is no way he wants to meet me!

Yes he does!

You're lying to me, Sienna!

Raye I swear on my life I am not😂

When do I come?

Whenever you're free, even though I still have to check in with him. Just give a date and maybe time🤷🏽‍♀️

Okay! I'm checking my schedule

I closed the message app and turned to Justin. "She is checking her schedule to see when she's free." Justin nodded and put down the sketch.
Then he sat there and just looked at me, making me feel uncomfortable.
I turned around and began doing what I was doing before he walked in.
"Where'd you work before?" He asked out if the blue. "Uh...I worked at a fast food place." I gave him a grin.
"I mean this in the nicest way, but you don't look like a girl who would work at a fast food restaurant."
"I had to live somehow. Trust me I did not want to be slaving in that kicthen the rest of my life." I chuckled.

"Sometimes I wish that I wasn't famous. I have everything handed to me, I've never had to work at stores. I haven't gotten my hands dirty in any situation that would make a change to anything. I just sit here, make music, and keep people waiting on it."

I watched Justin as he spoke his last word. He looked like he defeated himself.
"Maybe I can work something out with some people I know so you can see what it's like." I shrugged.
"You don't have to do that for me."
I rolled my eyes, "Justin, you told me what you wished and I'm going to grant it for you." I smiled. "Let me worry about it."


I pulled up to my house, gathered my things and headed inside. It was about 9PM when got here, the lights were still on. I opened the door, the whole house was quiet, there was no talking, no tv on, and no music.
I shrugged it off walking to my room on my way down the hall checked to see if Alana was there and she wasn't.
"Weird" I say to myself as I continued to my room.
I opened my door, revealing a messy room. My bed spread was on the floor, my clothes were scattered around the room. I went into Alana's room to see the same thing and then my parents room to see only my Dad's side ruined.

I called my Dad to see if he knew anything and I'm sure he had to sense no one was here.

What happened to our rooms?!

What do you mean? I haven't been home all day.

Well, they are all messed with, everything is out of place.

The only person there was your Mom, she was off today...Maybe she left.

*Sigh* Maybe, well I'm not touching anything just in case. I'm going to Raye's house. Can you call me when you're on your way home?


Oh and is Alana with you? She's not here either.

She is at a friends house finishing up something. I'm picking her up later.



I hurried downstairs and went into my car. I texted Raye and let her know I was coming over to her place.
Maybe this time my Mom was really leaving is this time. Part of me never wants her to come back, she has caused us so much pain as we grew up and even now. I know it's not a nice thing to say about my Mom, but it felt right to say.
I shook off my thoughts about her as I locked my car and walked into the apartment complex. I knocked on Raye's door, within seconds she answered letting me in. I told her about what I just came home to, "You know you can stay here as long as you want." She smiled. "Thank you."

~1 Hour Later~

"So whenever you're free, let me know because Justin wants to meet you."
I was gathering my purse about to leave Raye's place. My sister and Dad were back at the house, so I needed to go and figure out what happened.
"He wants to make sure you are available all day. No interruptions, except for Hailey she might pop up." I rolled my eyes. "Was that a jealous eye roll Sienna?" Raye chuckled. "No, if anything it was a irritated one."
Raye grinned and sipped her drink.

"Raye stop I don't like him like that. Plus he's my boss, I can't have relations with him like that."
Raye raised her eyebrows and stood up from the couch. "I'll let it go...for now at least. You need to go home with your family." She smiled and walked me ten feet to the door. I laughed exiting her apartment and gave her a hug before descending from the stairs.


"So I'm sure that your Mom just left, but we need to be sure that it wasn't a break in." Dad said as he started to walk to the door. We didn't know what to do, so we called the cops to see what they would do about this situation.
They walked in and examined everything that was out of place and as they walked around a forensic team was following to take finger prints off the hard surfaces.
An hour passed by and then another.
"We checked everything and we will be in touch to tell you who it was." The officer spoke. "Now if it was your wife, what would you like us to do?" He asked. Alana and I watched my father as he looked down.

"Would she get charges?" Dad asked, not really sure. "Yes and no. Because she lives here there won't be any charges that involve a serious matter. Now if she hired someone else to do the dirty work, then yes she will be charge and probably sentenced." The officer informed us. Dad nodded his head, "Thank you officer." He stuck his hand out for a shake.
Alana went to her room, while Dad and I sat in the living room. Discussing what was going to happen if Mom went to jail.

"You have a good paying job now, you'd be moving out on your own pretty soon." I looked down at my lap not sure what to say. I knew it was for the best to move out and do my own thing, but I don't want to leave my Dad.
"But I won't be moving out too soon." I smiled and Dad embraced me with a hug. "You know no matter what you do I will still love you."
"I know." I hugged him back.
I wish I had moments like this with my Mom, but I'm happy with the moment I have.


May 1, 2018
Words: 1166

Sorry for the boring chapter...it was more of a filler chapter to say the least.
Hope you enjoyed it though. Don't forget to Vote and leave me your thoughts😊

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