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This book lasted longer than I thought it was going to. I did go back and forth with the ending, but this seemed more Sierra's style. A life that wasn't so chaotic. I hope you guys liked the story regardless!  AND BEFORE you guys yell at me. I know I didn't touch their dating relationship much, but I think the moments leading up to it shows more than what it would been with a label slapped on it.

I really do hope you enjoyed the book though. It means a lot that all of you stayed with me till the end. Even when I'd take months to update the freakin book lol. 

I'm hoping in a few months I'll have a new book started up. Follow me to know when its live!! I'm currently brainstorming it and so far its making me excited. It will be a space themed romance. Very different than what I'm used to working with.

Lastly, I just really want to say again that you guys reading really meant a lot and I appreciate every single one of you. So thank you thank you thank you and I hope you all stick around for my future books. 

x~ SecretsYouKeep

Distraction || BWWMOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora