Miss Artist Can Suffer

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Miss Artist Can Suffer


Colors and calculators don't mix well. But they did with Keira. Never did she expect that she would ever be interested in cold, rational brother of her best friend. But she did. And she won't deny.

If there was one thing Gerald didn't like was being out of control. But when moody and artist friend of his sister came to live with them; he felt like his entire life going down the toilet flush. But when he starts to grow feelings for her, matters worsen.


My brother is what you people call, an uptight, to the point person. He lives by the rules. He is control freak. He has to be all knowing.

In short, he roams around with a big screw, up his ass.

And if you are thinking that this story is about the phenomenal change in him, you are wrong. He still is an uptight person. But he smiles now...


Heya folks... Here's another creation of mine. Not planning on making it big. 20 chapters at max.

All copyrights reserved. As usual. They always are, aren't they? I mean I've never seen a story where they say, 'No Copyrights. Steal to your heart's content.' or something! 

A special dedication to Jason Mraz, whose amazing songs helped me a lot, and I mean a lot to write this story with a special romantic flow and mood!

As you can, there will be regular updates. And I hope you enjoy as much as I did while writing this.

If you vote, comment, share or fan, you'll make a crazy, low-esteemed person very happy.

And that folks, is me. hehe!

Enjoy!!! Lots of love..

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