Threats and thoughts

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Going up the stairs on the porch, Gerald visualized Keira to be huddled in a far corner of the sofa, eyeing Mary as if she hid a secret weapon. He chuckled at his imagination, surprising himself.

He had smiled at the thought of finding Keira home! Holy Moses! He shook his head (he seemed to be doing that a lot lately) and entered the house. As he entered, he saw Keira going back in her room. Thank god she had worn full jeans, he thought as he watched her retreating. He loosened his tie and sat on the couch. He didn't see Mary anywhere, but then he remembered that she had taken a day off early. He put his briefcase on the table when he saw some of Keira's things spread on the table. He scrunched his nose when suddenly Keira came and started to pick them up. He was pleasantly surprised. He could not help but remark, "Learning to clean up after you now?"

Keira's hand stiffened. He realised that it could have double meaning, one of them on her failed life. He was going to say something but she suddenly collected all her things in her hand and said curtly, "I'm not cleaning up, I'm packing up. I'm leaving."


"Why looking so surprised Gerald? You only told me few days back to get out of the house. And I am going. I am not that much pathetic to intrude on your 'perfect' life" She emphasised on 'perfect'. Gerald wanted to scream, 'It's not perfect.' But he realised that he had said such a few days back. But then she had immediately fallen sick. And Gerald had completely forgotten about his exclaims. Apparently, Keira hadn't. He frantically searched his head to find the reasons to make Keira stay here.

Out of impulse he said, "Sharon won't agree. I cannot displease Sharon."

"Yeah, like you hang upon her every word." Keira scornfully said.

"I respect and love my sister in every way, Keira. Don't mock me on that," Gerald's temper flared but something suddenly came in his mind, "Speaking of her, did she ever call you after going to New Rissolli?"

Keira was about say 'don't change the subject' but as she thought over what he said, she got worried too, "No actually. She only once called me to say that she had reached safely. But that time too, she was terribly busy. I didn't receive any call from her since."

Keira realised how terrible of friend she had been. She got wrapped up in her own petty problems so much that she completely ignored her friend.

"Well, same here. But I asked you because today I received a call from an unknown number. The line was horrible but I think it was Sharon. I received it on the way here. So I thought..." Gerald specified.

Before Keira dismiss it and turn him back to the main subject, her cell in her back pocket rang. She jumped at the sudden vibration. Since she had left the city, very few calls came on her mobile except her mother's. She picked up after reading 'unknown' on her screen.

"Keira?" A familiar voice asked. The reception was terrible.

"Oh Sharon! We were just talking about you," She looked at Gerald, his face curious. "You haven't called in so many days. I thought you must be terribly busy with all that planning stuff." Keira went on talking.

"Keira? Hello? Can you hear me? Keira?" Sharon's voice was almost illegible.

Keira realised that Sharon couldn't hear the word she said.

"Sharon?" she asked loudly while pacing to and fro looking for clear network. But her network was good. The problem was from other side. Something crackled on the other side and the line went dead.

Keira stared at her cell's screen like she couldn't believe it.

"I think Sharon is in some kind of trouble." Gerald gravely concluded. Keira didn't like that at all.

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