20• best friend?

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hello. what's your favorite icecream flavor?
mine's blueberry.



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So it was all my fault. I was the one who destroyed my friendship with Clark. Even though I didn't know exactly what happened between us, Clark did not seem to be in the mood to elaborate further, judging by how he stormed off from the table without looking back.

I don't know how long I stood there staring at the exit in which Clark had gone through. My mind kept trying to think of whatever I could have done to end our friendship. What is it that was so bad that made us stop being friends?

Had I killed a loved one of his?

Oh god, I sure hoped not.

I had tuned out the noises in the cafeteria, deeply lost in thought, trying to come up with a reason. Any reason. What happened?

I really needed to know.

The sound of a bell ringing shook me a bit, and I suddenly became strangely aware of a headache. People were grazing their chairs and dumping their leftovers into the trash, chattering excitedly as they exited the cafeteria.

I saw Ashton and his other friends leave the table, but as though he had forgotten something, he turned around and headed to where I stood.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't know exactly where you're going with this 'amnesia stunt' of yours," he air quoted, and my mouth hang open at his audacious tone. "But, if you're trying to get in between me and my best friend, I suggest that you——"

"Your best friend?" I raised my brow at him, wanting to confirm his implications.

He chuckled disbelievingly. "You really are going through with this thing, huh."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I'm done here," I said as I turned away from him.

"Clark is my best friend," Ashton claimed behind me, and my feet paused in its tracks. "He always has, and always will be. And I'm not going to let some attention craving Blondie come in between us."

I sighed. So they were best friends. Figures.

But I couldn't let Ashton have the last word.

"Always has and always will be, huh," I commented as I approached him once again. "Tell me, when did you enroll in this school? Because I don't remember seeing you in my freshman year."

Ashton scoffed, as though I had asked a stupid question. "Two years ago."

"Exactly," I said. "And before you came here, friendships and relationships had already been formed. You've only known Clark for two years."

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