"A couple times, yes." She let out a short laugh. "Thanks."

"No, thank you."

Shay knew this was when she was supposed to blush. In order to be that girl who was pretty but didn't realize it, the shy and humble girl that guys always seemed to fall for, she had to be coy. For some reason, she couldn't manage it tonight. Maybe she was just too on edge to act out her usual routine. Maybe she should have just left town instead of coming here.

Too bad she needed money.

"So Shay, what are your plans tonight?" He asked her.

"I'm waiting for someone."


"A man who will take me home." 

Shay registered the shock hitting his face like a ton of bricks, but he was quick to recover. She had expected getting that reaction cause guys usually didn't know how to respond to strength, to forwardness. After two years, she had been sick of the games and opted to be herself. To ask for exactly what she wanted.

Usually, she got it, and now wasn't an exception.

"I guess tonight's your lucky night." The man grinned at her as he grabbed her hand, leading her out of the small bar. As soon as they stepped into the brisk fall air, he pushed her against a wall and stared her down, his frame a couple inches taller and wider than hers. Shay didn't hesitate to grab his head and drag his lips down to meet hers, both of them immediately welcoming the warm contact while the cold wind blew around them.

The kiss lasted only seconds but was enough to forge Shay's decision in steel. He was passionate, check. Good kisser, check. Good body, check.

Last but not least, he drove a mustang. Check mate.

On the drive home, his hand had instantly landed on Shay's thigh. Moving up and down, his fingers dragged against the thick material of her jeans, sending tickling sensations all the way to her chest. She kept her eyes on the road as he drove, her mind concentrating on the night to come. It was just another mission. Just another mark that she had to take care of, and then she could leave.

The building he parked in front of was big for the city, standing at three stories tall and housing at least ten apartments, if she had to guess. He led her inside and to the first door on the right, and as soon as the door closed behind them, all reservations were gone. Their jackets were off within seconds of stepping inside, her back pinned to a wall as he kissed her. This guy didn't waste any time and Shay appreciated that. Her mouth let out a soft moan when she felt how hard he was, and then her fingers were fumbling at his zipper.

Within minutes, they were on the bed, doing what horny adults did best.

Shay took the top position without any resistance. She realized early on that this guy was a beta-male, since she had made all of the first moves. Despite her normal attraction to alphas, she liked the lack of struggle for the top. It wasn't boring like she always thought; instead, it was empowering.

It didn't last long. She came before him but just kept going, knowing that he didn't have much control left in that tight body of his. Abs flexed, arms struggling to get out of her grip, his face tight with pleasure, all of it painted a pretty picture for her and she didn't mind a couple extra minutes to admire him.

She climbed off as soon as he came and stepped into the bathroom to clean up. When she returned, he was still naked on the bed, staring at her. "That was amazing." He murmured.

"It was okay I guess." She teased.

"Yeah right."

Shay layed down next to him and smiled, though she was about done with this part. As far as cuddling was concerned, she wanted none of it.

"I think I'm just gonna get some shut eye for a little bit if that's okay?" Shay asked, keeping her voice light.

"Of course." He hesitated, looking like he wasn't as opposed to the cuddling as she was. He didn't say anything though, and soon he was sound asleep.

10:30. 10:35. 10:40. Shay kept her eyes trained on the bedside clock while her ears focused on his breathing, listening to the soft ins and outs, each breath deeper than the previous. Finally, at 10:55, she made her move.

Slipping out of the grey sheets, she tiptoed onto the carpeted floor of his bedroom. She didn't glance back until she reached the door, her hand wrapped tightly around the circular knob as she watched him sleep peacefully in the bed. Then she slipped out into the living room, closing his door quietly behind her.

His wallet was in his jean pocket. After slipping on her clothes, she swiped the leather tri-fold and searched through it, finding a credit card and cash and slipped them into her own pocket. Everything was still silent so she then stepped into the hallway of the apartment building, ready to make her escape.

"FBI, put your hands up."

Shay recognized the voice. It was deep and close, and she turned slowly while raising her hands to shoulder level. She found herself standing face to face with the man she had seen at her workplace, the one who had that suspicious conversation with her boss.

Without a word, Shay reacted. He was pointing a gun at her so she disarmed him, ducking her body before throwing her hand out to snatch the Glock from his hand. Within seconds, it was pointing at him.

"Stop." The door behind them opened again, and in it stood the man she slept with wearing nothing but boxers. He was holding a gun of his own, and while Shay was processing this, the other man grabbed her and knocked the gun from her hand. She was wrapped up in his thick arms with a gun pointed at her skull, with no options and nowhere to go.

The beginning riff of stairway to heaven drifted through their apartment to the hallway, the soothing melody doing nothing to stop her impending doom.

"Shay Warner, you're under arrest."

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