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Presenter Toad: So, have any of you had any injuries whilst you were filming?

Daisy: I'm pretty sure all of us have. I fell down a cliff and cracked my skull

Waluigi: Broke my leg six times and my arm seventeen. Noodle limbs suck

Mario: I remember once taking a tennis racket to the head. Giant gash

Peach: Dislocated my knee several times while doing a sports scene

Wario: Almost died because these people think that it is fun to throw me

Bowser: It is fun. I once completely shattered my elbow

Presenter Toad: Woah woah woah. Quite morbid you all are

Rosalina: Being morbid is a side effect of working with lunatics *rolls eyes* I once accidentally stabbed myself in the chest with my wand

Presenter Toad: Dear lord...I think I might be sick *Turning pale*

Yoshi: Almost tore my left leg off once

Toad: Sliced my arm open on a piece of equipment

Presenter Toad: Oh sweet mother of mushrooms *Runs off the stage with hand covering mouth*

Mario: Dammit. Not again

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