Rescue Me:

412 20 14

Hannam the Hill. I stood before the giant building I had visited only 5 months ago.

My wandering around Seoul's streets for days had brought me here.

Should I go inside? Ask for help?
No you idiot, you'll disturb them, you can solve this on your own.

"I really want someone here with me right now" I whisper aloud, wiping away a tear.

Shut the hell up, you don't need anyone.

I was constantly at a battle with myself. I hated relying on others for help, and I couldn't bring myself to do so. My phone had been stolen a couple days ago, so I had no contact with anyone any longer anyway.

I walked away from Hannam the Hill to an empty spot on a alleyway next to a nearby cafe and rested my self on the ground.

"Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn my head to face Namjoon and Yoongi, who were standing there eyeing me in complete shock. I quickly get up off the ground while grabbing my last remaining things and turn away, preparing to leave.

I just can't face them like this.

I'm immediately stopped by a hand grabbing my shoulder and turning me around.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" asked Namjoon, "you haven't been answering my messages".

I feel a tear escape my eye as I finally gather the courage to look up and face the two concerned boys. "I've got nowhere to go" I finally say.

The three of us sit down and I explain to them what had happened in the past months, and they gladly listen to me. After my brief explanation, Namjoon brings me into a hug. The sudden contact causes my body to tense up, but I eventually relax and let him comfort me; Yoongi joins the hug in attempts to comfort me further.

After the short embrace, both boys pull away. "You idiot, stay with us" Namjoon offered.

Before I could say anything, Yoongi turns to his friend. "Are you crazy? There's no way she can stay with us.. Think about it, we have extremely busy lives, and it might cause a scandal, and-"

"What the hell is she meant to do then, huh? We keep her on the street? Stop worrying about stupid shit like scandals for once and realize that this is our friend who needs help right now" Namjoon barked back.

"No, Yoongi's right.." I join the conversation, "I can't stay with you guys, it'll be too much of a hassle. I'll figure it out."

No, I really need them.

"Bullshit, bullshit." Namjoon snapped, "You're going to stay with us until you are stable enough on your own" He concluded.

Yoongi sighed in defeat, before whispering to his friend, "If any problems are caused, it's on you, understand?"

We get up and make our way to their apartment in silence.

Thank you Namjoon. Thank you so much.

We approach the entrance and soon, I'm standing back in their apartment. I spot a hallway mirror and get a look at myself,

I look fucking disgusting

"There" my thoughts are interrupted with Namjoon pouting at a room far down the hallway on the left, "You can stay there. I'll bring you towels and other stuff, I'm sure you want to shower and get yourself cleaned"

I nod in embarrassment as I make my way to the room. The room consists of a single bed at the left corner with a small table next to it, a carpet draped across the floor and a door on the right, which I assume to be the bathroom. I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the water.

I look really, fucking disgusting

I hear a knock on my door before I was able to undress. I open the door to find Namjoon carrying towels.

"I brought the towels, here" he offers.

I nod at him, take them and shut the door. I undress and get into the shower, letting the warm water run down my face as I think about what has happened so far. "How did I end up like this" I sigh. Quickly I finish up and wrap my finally clean body and hair with the towels. As I step out of the steaming bathroom I'm met with a flustered Yoongi, holding a change of clothes. My heart leaps into my throat and my cheeks burn red from his gaze on me, meanwhile his face slowly turned into a bright shade of pink.

"S-Sorry" he finally says. "Shit like this is already happening" I hear him mutter to himself as he places the clothes on the bed and leaves.

Once I'm left alone in the room I slap my forehead and just stare at the clothes he left me.

Great, one of my idols already doesn't fucking like me.

I put on the slightly large graphic t-shirt and pair of denim shorts he left me, spotting myself in yet another full size mirror.

Holy fuck I've become skinny.

I instantly hear my stomach grumble as I'm reminded that I hadn't eaten a proper meal in almost a week.

I'm starving.

I make my way out of the room to be greeted with 4 of the 7 boys at the kitchen table; Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin and Jimin. Jin was already cooking up something, and the smell of food filled the air as my stomach grumbles once again, only for everyone to hear.

"Oh god, you must be starving" Jimin says with empathy.

"Yeah sort of" I admit.

"Don't worry! I'm making food right now, it'll be ready in just a few minutes. I hope you like beef?" Jin joins in.

Honestly, I hate beef, but right now? I could eat anything.

"Yes I do, thank you so much." I say with a smile.

"Good, stay as long as you like, we're here to help!" Namjoon said sincerely.

They're so nice, why are they treating me with such hospitality?

"Thank you so much-" I begin before being cut off

"She's staying until she finds a job" Yoongi mutters, flashing a glare at Namjoon.

I nod at Yoongi, still keeping my smile. "I won't stay long, or cause much trouble, thank you so much for letting me in" I assure him.

Jin puts the plate of food in front of me and then gives the rest theirs. We all sit down and eat with conversation in the air and laughter.

Finally, friends to rescue me.

Cypher {Suga X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now