Chapter 1

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 I let out a small chuckle as one of my best friends, Maria, dips her toe in the steaming hot tub and yelps. She quickly pulls her toe out and rubs it with her cool white towel.

"Oh, come on! The water's not really that hot, is it?" My other best friend, Chelsea, asks disbelievingly.

"You don't believe me? You try to go in the water!" Maria challenges.

"Maybe I will." Chelz walks up to the hot tub and hesitantly drops her whole foot into the water. Her face is a mix of fear, amusement, and pain - priceless. She shrieks and rapidly plops her foot out of the water and dries it with her personal cool towel. I let out a large laugh and shake my head.

"You both are idiots." I walk towards a small electronic panel on the edge of the hot tub and flip open the lid. The screen shows the number 104°. I leave the lid open and walk away, motioning for my friends to look at the screen. The two walk towards the panel, both glaring at me with suspicion. They glance at the temperature I set the hot tub at.

"Ellie!" The girls scream and charge at me head-on with their towels. I let out a wide grin and grab my own towel plus a fresh one nearby. I run backwards trying to escape my friends' rage. I fail. My back is now against the wall and my friends continue to smack me with their towels. I mirror their laugh with one of my own.

In five minutes we are all on the wood floor laughing our heads off. We finally calm down and I get up to change to hot tub temperature to a more reasonable degree. I flip the lid closed and take a rare moment to absorb my surroundings.

The sun is beating down my black, but slightly brown, hair. The sky is clear with the exception of a flock of birds flying overhead. I gaze down at the shimmering water and the small elegant waves that are created. The yacht, one set for the coast of France, rocks slightly from side to side disrupting the grace of the sea water. The door to the inside of the yacht is behind me. A small square of tile surrounds the hot tub and the rest of the floor is wood. My two-piece bathing suit, black studded with fake diamonds around my collarbone, is a gift from my mother for my 13th birthday - today.

I hear my friends begin to get up from the floor but I pay no attention to them. I walk to the curved white rails and rest my hands on it. I gaze out to the distant sea allowing the gentle wind to caress my long hair. Today has just been amazing. Every aspect of it. Before, I didn't believe a day like this could exist, a perfect day.

I smile as my friends call me back to tell me that the hot tub is at a good temperature. I walk to where they are and pick a place where I can still see the ocean. I soak into the warm water and sit in front of a jet. I talk with my friends for some time, but eventually, we all just relax and enjoy the sunset in front of us. The colors of the sky shine brilliant shades of orange and yellow. The occurrence that signifies the end of a day and its events.

I soon learned that this event was more than a symbol, it was the ending of my life and the beginning of new and more catastrophic one. 


Please tell me what you think of this story and any grammar mistakes/suggestions that you think would improve the story would be greatly appreciated. 

Also, I tried to get the plot moving in the first chapter itself but there were too many different ideas and too many pages for it all to be considered one chapter. 

Thank you for reading the first chapter of A New Dawn.

(Things will start to get faster and more interesting starting the next chapter)

- Anisha555

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