Chapter 5

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Pain pricks at me in all directions. I try to open my eyes but it hurts too much. As my sense come back to me, I feel grainy sand all over my arms and in my hair. My outfit is soaked and my necklace... My necklace! I blindly feel around my neck, and am relieved when I feel its cool chain in my hand. I open my eyes and squint them under the glare of a bright sun, taking in my new surroundings.

A sandy white beach is the home to a small family of turtles a few yards away. Birds soar overhead in a clear sky. Small pieces of driftwood are next to me, along with some torn clothes and suitcases spread across the beach. I crane my neck to look behind me. A thick forest envelopes the rest the seeable land. There is wildlife everywhere, and mosquitoes. I hate mosquitoes. I swat one away from my face with my hand.

I attempt to stand up with a shock of pain explodes throughout my body causing me to fall back down. I groan. The pain was emitting from my right calf. I pull up my leggings and gasp at what I see. Blood drips from a deep cut. I suck in my breath and circle my fingers around the gash, applying a little bit of pressure. It hurts...

I have to get up somehow. Now, with almost all of my senses back, I pick up a torn damp shirt nearby. I could use this to tie my wound closed like in books, but it's still wet. Sea water isn't good for things like this... but what other choice to I have? I scan the beach and notice, to my dismay, that any other type of cloth is a couple yards away. I shake the sand off the shirt and stare at it. You aren't a baby anymore Eleanor. Just suck it up. Tentatively, I wrap the torn shirt around my cut. The coolness of the shirt sends shivers down my spine. I smile when I realize that the cold temperature is actually soothing my wound and not agitating it. My smile disappears when I try to tighten the cloth piece so that it stays. Shrap! Pain, once again, erupts from the gash and causes spots to dance in my eyes. This isn't going to work.

But it has too! An annoyingly optimistic voice says inside my head. I sigh before tightening the bandage. Tears spill out of my eyes and I groan in discomfort. I make random growling noises to distract myself from the unbearable pain threatening to take over. I tie the knot. Unfortunately, the pain doesn't stop when I finish with my messy bandage. The burning discomfort lingers.

"Ok. I am fine. I am ok. There are probably some people here that can help me." I whisper under my breath. Carefully, I push myself off the ground and put all my weight on my left leg. I spot some dry clothes a few yards away. I walk towards them and realize that they are Chelsea's clothes. An unexpected feeling of resentment takes control. Why am I angry? I chose to save her. It's not her fault. But no matter how much I try to tell myself that it's not her fault, a deeper, more vengeful part of me thinks it is.

I continue my deep reflection as I bend down and pick up my best friend's shirt and a random pair of shorts. The short-sleeved shirt is white with imprints of small blue and red roses scattered on it. Connecting the roses are light green stems which have dark green leaves. The short is a simple beige color that should go down to my knees. I tear my damp clothes off and put on the dry set. I smile, grateful for the feeling of warmth.

That is when I notice how tired I am. My body aches all over; I am starving and parched. How am I going to get water out here? The answer is obvious. I can't. My gaze shifts to the dark forest that oversees this beach. I have to go there. I grow uneasy at the idea of going into the thick, dreary forest. I stare at it wearily before limping towards a closed suitcase five feet away. I collapse onto the ground, the sand cushioning my fall. My hand moves to unzip the suitcase. The overbearing weight of anxiety falls off my shoulders when I see what is inside: Hygiene, fresh clothes, and food. Food! Small snack bars lay inside a large plastic bag. I greedily open the bag and snatch one. I open the wrapper and gulp it all down in two seconds. Before I know it, there are only three bars left. I rummage through the suitcase in hopes for water, or better yet, some way I could contact my family. Disappointment shows blatantly on my face when I realize there is no water, or way of contacting my family. I sigh.

I really hope there are other people here. A hospital maybe. Or anyone with a phone and service...

My throat is burning from the lack of water. Before I go in the forest, I really should get something to defend myself with. Just incase. I have watched too many survival and horror movies to go in blindly. I doubt there will be a knife in one of these bags, but it can't hurt to check.

I limp to each bag and search through them. No knife. No water. Nothing. Panic begins to set in and I run around, frantically trying to find something. My stomach has cramped from lack of water, and it hurts - a lot. Every breath brings a new shot of pain, every one worse than the last. I unzip the last suitcase that I haven't opened. Spots dance in my eyes and I can hardly put one foot in front of the next. I gasp in delight when I see one precious bottle of pure water. Yes! Fatigue blinds my hands from grabbing the cap to twist it open. No. The bottle is brand new. I can't open it.

Horror strikes me as I quickly lose control of my limbs and fall to the ground. Before that happens, though, I see the silhouette of something peeking out from behind the trees. My eyes connect with his for a brief second. My head rolls back and once again, I stare up at the midday sun before the familiar darkness encompasses my world. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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