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"Success!!! Success!!!" screamed Samuel as he hovered over the glowing cauldron.

Rhian ran over to see what the witch was screaming about. "Samuel what's going on?"

Samuel turned around to face the fae. In his hand was a glowing crystal vial. The witch brought the vial up to Rhian and said "This my friend is the answer to all your problems."

Rhian raised his eyebrow.

Samuel chuckled, "Alright let me explain. This is a potion, which contains a drop of my venom and fairy dust, these ingredients combined creates this potion which can destroy Lilith's magic."

Rhian's eye lit up with rejoice, "That's amazing Samuel." He then gestured for the Witch to follow him, "C'mon we got to tell the others."

Samuel sharply replied "No." At the tone of his voice Rhian felt dejected. He wondered what he had done to make the Witch snap.

Samuel placed his hand on Rhian's shoulder and softly said "I'm sorry for snapping. Here's what I meant to say, you cannot tell anyone. It will be best to keep this between us okay."

Rhian replied "Alright."

Samuel nodded in agreement.

In a haze of scarlet, Rhian's fairy godmother appeared, after folding her wings away she said "Hello boys. Samuel any luck on the potion."

With the potion carefully tucked away into his robe, the witch of snakes replied "Unfortunately not. Fairy dust is so hard to manipulate."

Keiyara nodded, then saying "I sensed you might have trouble with the dust. Would you mind if I helped you?"

Samuel smiled, answering "No. Not at all."

Keiyara then began making her way to the cauldron, but before she did Rhian said "Godmother where is everyone."

"Oh, they're preparing for tomorrow. You should go join them your Highness." said Keiyara.

Rhian nodded and then walked away.

At the centre table, the fairies were frantically running about and chattering as did so making them sound like bees, Rhian stood in shock at the sight of all the commotion in front of him. When they first came it was a small group, now a mini army appeared before his eyes.

Coraline walked up to the stunned fae, "Viola and I rounded up some people help us. You know what they say 'There's strength in numbers'."

"Uh, some. This looks like the majority of the Kingdom..." Rhian's attention was then caught by his Alpha entering the room with his warriors and Beta.

"Cain! Where...how...???"

"Butterfly we need all the help we can get. A small group won't succeed against Lilith." answered Cain.

Rhian then whispered with a heavy heart "But Cain this means more people could get hurt and I don't want that."

Cain was in awe at the compassion and concern his mate had for others. He loved that his Butterfly was selfless and had a warm heart. All this love Rhian had even made his mind whisper about how his fae would be a great father.

The Alpha rested both his hands on Rhian's shoulders, "Butterfly I assure you that will not happen and even if we do get hurt it will pave the road for our success."

Rhian responded "Alright but I still hope that everyone comes out unscathed."

Suddenly Rhian felt the atmosphere change, the hustle and bustle was now silenced and he could feel the heat of pairs of eyes staring at him.

Viola then walked up to him, "Your Highness I think your people would like some encouragement for tomorrow."

Rhian then looked at all the fairies, young and old, who stared at him full of hope and eagerness. Nerves set in, even when he was a Prince he never had to give speeches so anxiety nested within him at the notion of doing this.

He then walked out, moving closer to the crowd, his nervousness was evident by his shaking knees but the fae kept his ground.

"Ok. I've never done this before so forgive me if I am nervous. So here we are. For the first time in many centuries we fairies face a threat : Lilith. 

At the mention of her name the audience snickered in disgust.

As you all know Lilith is extremely nasty and so far has been extremely successful. She stole my powers, took over my vault and has control over certain parts of our Kingdom but Fairies we will NOT SUBMIT TO HER! Our people have faced greater threats in the past. Our ancestors fought Lucifer, the Prince of darkness himself and triumphed over him. If they can fight and win against him then we as their descendants can handle a small fry like Lilith.

"YES!" screamed the fairies.

Furthermore we are the embodiment of light and light will always defeat the darkness.

Thank you."

The fairies and even the werewolves erupted into cheers. The hope and strength engulfed the room, it was as if everyone was breathing in the powerful positive energy.

Rhian heart leaped at the sight of his people. They were his motivation, they were the reason he kept fighting and with them by his side he knew that all would be well.

Tayden whispered to Cain, "I must say Alpha your mate is quite the leader."

Cain chuckled at Tayden's compliment, "Yes he is. The Goddess blessed me greatly by giving him to me as a mate."

"Yes but..."

Cain knew Tayden had something concerning to say, judging by the reluctance in his tone.

"What's wrong Tayden?" asked the Alpha.

Tayden then said "Alpha when we do defeat this Lilith and Rhian is given glory once again, what will become of your relationship?"

It then hit Cain, when Rhian defeats Lilith he'll become a Fairy Prince again which means his mate will have to choose between his birthright and him.

"What will Rhian choose?" thought Cain.

Hidden in the shadows, clad in a gorgeous suit the beautiful man observed Rhian and his army, he laughed at the Fae's motivational speech.

"We'll see about Light always winning Rhian. We'll see." he said smirking.

But his attention was caught by Cain's thoughts of self doubt. At the melody of the doubt a most devious plan developed in his mind.

He cackled as he said "I've always wanted to play a wolf."



Happy New Years Butterflies. Sorry I have been inactive lately, I've have been so busy with stuff in my personal life but I promise I have not forgotten this book. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote,comment and share but most importantly thank you all so much for the support.

Love you all

- B.✌

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