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A/N : Ok guys before you read further there is an adjustment I have to make. So I know in the previous chapters I said that Cain is 24 and Rhian is 19. Well I'm changing their ages because I feel the age gap is bit much so moving forward Cain is 21 and Rhian remains 19 and Beta Tayden is 20 years old. Now without further ado enjoy the chapter.

The fae decided to leave his room. He made this decision because he was dying of boredom and felt like he would get cabin fever if he spent more time in his room.

If Cain thought that Rhian would just sit around and wait for him, he had another thing coming. The fae opened the door and of course, outside was the dark haired tan skinned head guard Xavier, Rhian knew that Cain had sent the guard. He knows that his mate is over protective.

"Xavier" called the fae to the head guard. Rhian understood that his job was to protect him but he felt like Cain was being too obsessive and that Xavier needing to guard him within pack confines is unnecessary.

"Yes Alpha" answered Xavier gruffly.

Rhian placed his hands behind himself, interlocking his fingers as he said "Xavier I'm going to explore the pack so you don't have to guard me for now. After all I am within pack walls."

Xavier replied statically "I'm afraid I cannot let you go alone. Pack or not, Alpha Cain dispatched me for your safety."

"But I just want to explore the pack lands. No one will do anything Xavier" stated a whining Rhian. He was extremely admit on touring the pack lands.
Xavier looked down at Rhian, crossed his arms showcasing his strong muscles, "You can still do those things but just with me by your side. You won't even notice me."

Rhian raised his eyebrow and said "Really? Who would miss you?" as he gestured to the man's tall heigh and intimidating build.

Eventually the fae caved in and the pair toured the pack. First Xavier showed Rhian around the pack house, the kitchen made him blush as he recalled the nutella chip cookie moment himself and Cain shared.  Xavier then showed Rhian around the gardens, to his surprise there were was more than one garden..the second was the least guarded and there was no force field around it, Rhian realized if he had just robbed this garden non of this would have happened but then again had he robbed this garden

He would have never met Cain.

Xavier then took Rhian to a clearing on the pack grounds. In this clearing, small sized wolves were attacking each other, the attacks were not deadly but they were still fighting.

"These are the pups training ground's. From the age of 5 the pups begin training." said Xavier as he watched the pups.

Rhian's eyes became saucers at this revelation,"That's so young!!!" exclaimed the fae. When Rhian was 5 he spent his days eating candy and leisurely reading but these children were preparing themselves in the fighting arts.

"Rhian, the wolves are different from fairies. We have to know how to fight and defend ourselves against opponents because one never knows when a rogue might attack or when a pack could declare war on your own. A pack stands a better chance if there aren't any weaklings thus training should start as early as possible." explained Xavier who at this point became somber.

Rhian noticed his somber expression and asked "Xavier are you alright?"

Xavier become stoic and answered "Yes I am ok. Nothing to worry about. Let's go."

Rhian decided not to question Xavier further, he could see whatever it was bothered him extremely.
Xavier then took Rhian back into the pack house. "The Alpha will be back in a few minutes so I will take my leave sir."

Rhian smiled at Xavier and said "Thanks for the tour Xavier."

A strong pair of arms wrapped around the fae, the man leant in his ear and whispered "Hello Butterfly. Did you miss me?"

Rhian turned his head to the side to face Cain, grinning he answered "Nope. I had so much fun while you were gone."

"Oh really?" said Cain sarcastically, "Well then I guess I should leave you more often. I've been in need of a vacation...

"Nooooo!!!" screamed the fae, "I was only teasing, Cain."

Cain chuckled and replied "So was I butterfly and by that response I'd say I played you well."

Rhian blushed in response. The Alpha was right.

"So how was your day Alpha?" asked Rhian as himself and Cain made their way to Cain's chambers.

Cain laced his fingers with Rhian's as they walked, he smelt the pleasure coming off his mate, the sparks had been known to have that effect.

"It was a good day, dull without you but it was good however I am so glad to be back with you. My wolf was going crazy without you."

"Speaking of wolf explain to me how that works. Is he a separate person or is he your subconscious?" asked Rhian as they walked into the chambers.

Cain undid the top buttons of his shirt and rolled up his sleeves when he entered the room . The Alpha was exhausted after today.

"As you know I am werewolf and I have a wolf form. Rhian, that wolf form exists because my soul is split into half. One half is human and the other half is a wolf and as a result my wolf soul can communicate with my human soul. That's how I'm able to hear his thoughts, experience his feelings and so on." stated Cain, who was glad that his mate was asking him questions about their people, it would help him in becoming a good leader.

Rhian,who was currently sitting on the couch, seemed to be in awe at Cain's explanation. He had only ever read about wolves so to experience them personally was a dream come true for him.

Cain admired Rhian's awe. The Alpha loved seeing his mates curiosity fulfilled, the fae had this sparkle in his eye whenever his curiosity was answered and Cain loved it.

Cain joined Rhian on the couch, immediately pulling the fae to sit on his lap. He chastely kissed Rhian's neck as he whispered "Butterfly you have no idea how much I missed you. I missed your scent, your smile, your beauty, your light...I missed you so badly." The Alpha then Nuzzled into Rhian's neck.

The fae giggled, the Alpha's kisses tickled Rhian, he then replied "But you were only gone for a few hours."

"A few hours is too long butterfly." said the Alpha with conviction as he hoisted Rhian bridal style and then delivered him to the bed.

Cain leaned over Rhian, pulling off the fae's shirt.

"But Cain we can't do this now. I'm not ready." said an anxious Rhian, who believed the Alpha was going to take him now.

Cain then stood on his knees and replied "Oh no Butterfly I'm not going to mate you now, that will come in due time."

In a deep voice he murmured "I'm going to mark you butterfly."



Sup readers. You have reached the end of this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote, comment and share this book with your friends. See you in the next chapter. Bye.

- B.❤

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