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The sun creaked into the pack house, its golden light illuminating the morning. Long gone were the stresses and woe of the previous night, a new day had dawned.

The pack house was still, as to be expected because it was only 05:00 am, everything in the house remained untouched except the kitchen. Along the fridge a counter was built for preparing food and on the counter stood a lone jar of exposed nutella, this particular jar was used to make nutella chip cookies and the predators of such a treat were found fast asleep on the kitchen floor.

The ferocious Alpha Cain and kind fae Rhian leaned into each other as they slept. Their backs were against the cupboards and their legs were completely splayed out. The pair had gotten into a game of 20 questions the night before but like all living organisms, they needed sleep and so as they answered each others inquisitions they drifted off into peaceful slumber.

Cain rested with his chin on Rhian's buzzed hair whilst Rhian was leaning on Cain's shoulders. The electrifying sensation of the mate bond flowed so freely between the 2 mates it was a shock that Cain had not lost control.

Slowly the two stirred from sleep and awoke to life. Rhian rubbed his forehead whilst Cain stretched his arms, almost knocking Rhian's head.

Rhian flinched at the almost accident, groggily he said "Hey..watch it! Its too early for any injuries."

Cain groaned as he asked "What time is it?"

"I do not know but its way too early." answered Rhian.

Cain rose to his feet and said "C'mon let's go back to sleep."

"Good idea. I'll see in later. Night night" said Rhian.

"No wait.." said Cain as he grabbed Rhian's hand "I wanted to ask you something."

"Can't you tell me later. I need to sleep." whined Rhian.

Cain found Rhian's whining extremely adorable. It reminded him of a little child wanting a toy. After admiring Rhian's cuteness, the Alpha said "No I can't. I have a pack meeting from 10am til 12 and then I have to train the pups from 2-4."

"Pups?" questioned Rhian.

"Young wolves. Children essentially." informed Cain, "So love I want to know if you'd like to go on a date with me this afternoon."

Rhian pondered about the date. He was afraid because he had never been on a date but on the other hand he liked that Cain was listening to him and taking things slow and courting him but the fear annoyed him.

Nevertheless Rhian ignored his fear and simply responded "Yeah sure."

A big grin etched itself onto the Alpha's face. His wolf and himself couldn't contain their excitement.

"Great! Be ready at 5:30 and wear something casual." said a cheerful Alpha.

"What are we doing?" inquired Rhian.

"That's a surprise my love " answered Cain.

Rhian nodded in response and then darted off to his room, leaving a joyous alpha downstairs.

We're going to give him the time of his life Cain.

"Yes we are." said Cain to his wolf.

Cain the full moon is in 2 days. We have to mark him remember.

We will cross that bridge when we get there but for the moment let us woo our mate.

Of course.

Rhian gazed blankly at his open closet, absolutely dumbfounded at what to wear. He did not know much about the human world..especially their fashion.

"Wear something casual." were the words Rhian remembered as he looked at the clothing. He had no idea what constitutes as casual in this world. Most fairy clothing or rather male fairy clothing are sparkling suits or if they wanted to be 'casual' they would wear shorts and drawstring shirts but Rhian definitely knew that in this world casual attire means something else.

He sighed in defeat. His date was in a few minutes and he nothing to wear.

Knock knock.

Rhian heard knocking on his bedroom door. Perhaps it was Cain here to take him out, "I hope he likes pajamas" thought Rhian as he walked to the door.

Rhian opened the door and was surprised to find an ebony haired male standing before him. The male had dark hazel eyes, a stubbly jawline and a sharp nose and well defined cheek bones. He was clad in white shirt with dark skinny jeans and to complete the look he wore a black leather jacket.

"Um Hello?" said the fae who still had no clue who the man was.

"Hi. I'm Tayden, Alpha Cain's beta. He sent me to assist you with clothing." answered the stranger.

Rhian was flabbergasted at Tayden's arrival, it was as if Cain had read his mind.

"Um sure. Thank you actually."

Tayden nodded in reply. He stepped into Rhian's room and focused his stare on the open closet. He stroked his chin and his forehead creased as he observed the clothing. He then pulled out a black stripped white T-shirt, black skinny jeans, he then faced Rhian and said "Do you have any jackets?"

"Yes. It should be in the other compartment." answered Rhian.

Tayden opened the second door of the closet revealing a rack of jackets. He pulled out a light grey jacket and placed it on the bed with the other clothing.

He then walked up to Rhian and said "For shoes, please wear the dark brown boots. Its in the box named 'Timberland'."

Rhian nodded in response and then said "Thank you for the help Tayden."

"No problem. If you ever need anything I am at your service Alpha." replied the beta.

"Yes of course..." Rhian paused mid-sentence as he replayed Tayden's words.

"Did you just call me Alpha???"

Tayden chuckled in response as he exited Rhian's room.

Rhian pursed his lips as he recalled Tayden's reply.

"Alpha Rhian. Kinda has a nice ring to it."

Another knock sounded at the door.

Rhian opened the door to reveal his Alpha. The male was clad in a blue button up and white jeans, in his hands were two helmets. His hair was combed back and Rhian could smell cologne radiating from him.

Alpha Cain smirked at his mate's appearance.

"You clean up good" he then gestured to the helmets and said "I hope you like bikes."




Thank you so much for reading. Do not forget to vote and comment. See you in the next chapter.

- B.❤

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