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"My intuition has never been wrong, I believe with  my entire soul that you all can free Samuel which is why I've brought him to your attention. You can do it and on time as well." responded Madam Viola.

"We won't let you down." replied Keiyara.

"In the meantime I will take care of Zario." said Viola as she snapped her fingers, causing her and Zario to vanish.

Keiyara held the book in her arms as she determinedly said "Let's get to work!"

Rhian's heart warmeatat the sight of his friends cheering up, he was glad that hope had been restored.

Cain wrapped his arms around his fae once again, kissing him on the cheek he said "Feeling better now?"

"Definitely." answered Rhian.



The fairies converged around the novel prison, thinking of ways to free the witch within.

Diana irritably said "So now we have to free a Witch. Of all the people that could help us, destiny gave us a witch,hmph!"

"Oh come Diana. There's no need to be so prejudice, not all witches are awful some are great and proud." replied Austin defensively.

"I'll believe it when I see it." grumbled Diana.

Austin rolled his eyes at her bigotry. The boy had lived among the witches for a decent period of time and they were some of the best people he had the pleasure of knowing hence his offence to Diana's words.

"Ok so to break the spell trapping him, I am going to analyze it first so we know what we are up against" said Fairy Godmother Keiyara as she pulled out her wand.

With her wand clasped into her hand, she aimed it precisely at the cursed book. Her eyes closed in concentration as she focused her energy on the book. A hot pink glow pulsed from the wand as she concentrated her powers onto the book.

After a few minutes Rhian's godmother came to. She rubbed her forehead before saying :

"That was some powerful magic but by the Angels grace I managed to analyze it. So here's what I gathered. There's 4 layers woven into this curse.

The first layer is the magic of the book itself. Books contain their own magic power and the curser manipulated the books power into an entrapment.

The second layer is the black magic sustaining this curse. The more sustained the curse is, the stronger it will be and the stronger it is the more difficult it is to break.

The third layer is the protective magic around the curse. This layer will be easiest to use to remove because whoever cast this curse is definitely not an expert of protective magic.

Now the fourth layer is the one which is a challenge. The fourth layer is Samuel's own magic power. Samuel's magic was commanded to trap its own master and that's the reason there's a snake on the cover of the book. That's Samuel's snake of power."

Rhian then asked "But what's the challenge godmother?"

Godmother Keiyara answered "The challenge is that Samuel's magic may be entrapping him but it is keeping him alive. We destroy his powers, we destroy him."

Coraline then commented "This curse is a dozy. Whoever cast it must have definitely been a master."

Night fell and as its darkness unfolded the fairies  made a lot of progress.

Coraline informed Keiyara that they had successfully removed 3 layers of spell however the 4th layer was proving to be impossible to remove.

"This snake is literally laughing at our faces" said a frustrated Diana as she glared at the emerald serpent, "Nothing we do works. In fact I'm afraid to even touch it because I do not want to kill the prisoner in there."

"Oh come on. We cannot give up now! Giving up isn't the fairy way." chimed Rhian.

"You sound like a self esteem commercial" joked Austin.

Alpha Cain stood aside. He watched in amazement as the fairies conversed with each other. This world was still new to him and although it was beautiful he couldn't help but miss home. He wished he could return home with his mate.

The wolf's attention was then aroused by the emerald snake. Cain's wolf could feel the snake mocking him, he just wanted to jump out and rip it to shreds.

Wolves never liked snakes.

The wolf took control of his human. Cain stood upright, his eyes illuminated as he walked toward to serpent.

The fairies jumped out of Cain's way as he stormed to where the book stood. The intense emotio radiated off Cain profusely which shocked the fairies. They had never witnessed Cain in this state or at least they he never seen him in this state without it being connected to Rhian.

"Baby, what's wrong?" asked Rhian as he held onto Cain's forearm.

Cain eyed Rhian, knowing his glowing eyes would explain everything.

Rhian held back a gasp. The wolf was in control.

Wolf Cain reluctantly pulled himself away from his mate to go toward the book.

The wolf stared down the snake. Its eyes glowed as it looked into Cain's already illuminated one.

The serpent hissed in response to the Alpha standing before him.

From the depths of his wolf soul, a mighty roar erupted out of the Alpha. The might of the roar  vibrated into the real world.

The fairies and Austin covered their eyes as protection from its ferocity.

The roar bulleted through the snake, disintegrating it into a haze of green which retreated into the books pages.

"He...did...it" said Keiyara bewildered.

Rhian threw himself on Cain, as he said "You did it but how???"

The wolf smirked, then answering "Good ol' fashioned Alpha power."

"Um...guys, I hate to break this up but we have a guest." said Austin.

Cain and Rhian turned around to see the prisoner standing before them.

Although dressed in an ebony robe adorned with crimson jewels, it did little to conceal his features. One could clearly see the tan of his skin, the allure of his dark eyes and the long locks of black hair gracing his forehead.

"You must be Samuel?" said Keiyara.

The male chuckled, then saying "Why yes I am keiyara."

The fairies eyes turned into saucers at his reply.

"What? I could hear you all." said an amused Samuel.

Keiyara then said "Well since you could hear us, I'm sure you know that we need your help."

"Say no more. I'm at your service fairies."



I'm backkkk. Lol. No lie I had fun writing this chapter mainly because Samuel is based of me but in all seriousness this chapter was so much fun to write and I hope you all enjoyed it.

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See you all in the next chapter butterflies.

- B.✌

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