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Blake and Izzy had been together for almost 3 years now and they've been in love from the very first day they met. It was Izzy's 16th birthday and she was out with her friends at the local shopping centre to shop for new designer clothes with her birthday money. Blake was 17 at the time and had a part time job at one of the shops there. With the shop that Blake worked at being one containing designer clothing, Izzy had unsurprisingly (Due to her obsession with designer brands) entered it and found some articles of clothing that she liked. Upon paying for the clothes she met Blake, who was working on the tills, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. He'd scribbled his number on her receipt and she smiled when she received it, later that day Izzy texted Blake and they'd met up at a restaurant. Needless to say, it was the first of many magical moments to happen throughout their future together.

Izzy was a very outgoing, extroverted person unlike Blake who preferred to stay indoors and keep to himself. It was probably why he didn't have many friends. In fact, he only actually had one friend, Sam, whom he'd known since they were toddlers. It was hard for Blake to trust Izzy at first, due to having major difficulties trusting people his whole life, especially since having a rough childhood but he'd made it work as she was just the most beautiful and amazing woman he had ever met. He envied his girlfriend and wanted the confidence and charm she had. Izzy just had this way about her that made her seem fearless, meanwhile all he had was his figure from spending most of his time at the gym when Izzy was out partying (which was a lot) hence his defined muscles.

Because of her endless nights of partying, Izzy was hardly a stranger to relationships and had been in more than she would probably like to admit. Blake was not the usual type of person she'd go out with but she was more than glad she did. Although Izzy loved her boyfriend, she made it clear from day one that she was not going to give up her 'girl's nights out' as she called them and, to her slight surprise, Blake was absolutely fine with it (mainly due to the fact he wasn't going to risk losing her so soon, but he wouldn't admit that of course). As each day went by, Izzy felt more and more that Blake was the one she wanted to marry. I guess opposites do attract after all...

Throughout their whole relationship they went through everything together whether it be positive or negative, holding on to each other for support, love and guidance. One event, however, was sure to change everything they had ever built in their relationship forever. Whether it's for better or worse is still undecided.

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