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I walk up to the group of girls.




"Gina." I say in a yelling and asking tone over the talking. They all turned around and looked at me.

"Uh which one of you is Gina?" I ask again.

"I'm Gina." A girl with red wavy hair and green eyes said.

"Um Erika broke her leg and a women sent me over here to tell you she's going to the hospital and I'm here to fill in for her."

"Uh who are you." She laughs. "I don't mean to be rude just what's your name." She smiles.

"Right." I laugh. "I'm jade."

"Okay. Uh do you know the routine."


"Come here I'll teach it to you." She laughs. "I'll be right back girls." She takes my hand and pulls me aside to a partly quiet part on the field.

"You catch on fast." She laughs.

"Thanks. Is that it?" I ask out of breath.

"Yeah. Your perfect. You should try out for the team. Tryouts are this Wednesday if your up for it. Even though there's no official dance team, cheerleading is just as fun." She smiles.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll think about it." I smile. "So when do we do this routine?" I question.

"We go on at half time. Ryder should come over here and signal us." She smiles.

"Ryder popular around here?" I laugh and turn around to look for him remembering what I was thinking about earlier.

"He's not just popular. His dad is on the school board. He gets away with everything. Just last year he was ditching class and nothing happened and somehow he still maintains a straight A student." She smiles shaking her head. "It's not fair but no one questions it because well he's hot for the girls and linebacker for the guys. Every girl wants him. Per usual. Bad boy story and at some point there will be one girl that will catch his eye." She laughs.

"And who do you think that will be?" I ask seeing him talking with what looks like a teacher. I could see him getting angrier by the second. I didn't know why.

"I don't know. We dated for the whole sophomore year. He's a good guy, he just has to figure himself out you know. It's kind of like when you like a guy but you like them so much you don't know if it's love and when you can't stop thinking about them or can't stop laughing and smiling with them. You know how you feel when you feel like you can't live without them, you should have that feeling. You can't miss it. That's when you know there the one."

"How do you know so much about this stuff." I look at him again, in the distance I can see him yelling. The guy that I thought looked like a teacher was angry to. You could practically hear them yelling.

"I had the feeling once but the thing I never had was I always felt I could live without them. I never got one to stick."

"Got it." We both laugh and I see Ryder's angry face one last time before the lights on the field go directly toward the players.

"Have you ever been to a game?" She asks still having her eyes on the field.

"Yeah! Went to them at my old school!"

"Where did you go?" She asks as we watch the players come running out to go to there positions.

"I went to Garfield!"

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