Chapter 5: Frosch meets Sophia

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While members of Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were out on their missions, Frosch was on a little mission of his own. He wanted to figure out who that exceed was. As he continued to follow the mysterious figure, he realized that he was going the same direction the dragon was in.

Suddenly, the exceed stopped flying when she reached the sleeping fire dragon that Rogue and Frosch saw earlier. The exceed flew to the ground, and her wings disappeared. Frosch did the same as both exceeds stared at the dragon.

Frosch decided to speak up, so he said, "Hello," as he waved his paw.

The lavender colored exceed turned around a little too fast at the sound of Frosch's voice. Scared, the exceed ran and hid behind the dragon.

Frosch was confused, but soon realized that the exceed was a little startled by his presence. As he reassured, "It's okay, you don't need to be scared. My name is Frosch," the exceed began to come from behind the dragon,and walk towards Frosch.

"You don't seem scary. You're actually kinda adorable," said the purple fur ball.

"What's you're name?" asked Frosch.

"My name is Sapphire. It's a nice to meet you," said the exceed.

"I've never seen you before. Did you just move here?" asked Frosch, confused.

"You could say that," said Sapphire.

"Oh, do you know this dragon?" asked Frosch as he pointed to the sleeping, scaly creature.

"Yeah, I do. Her name is Sophia Dragneel. But don't worry she's not dangerous, yet she can turn into a dragon. Sophia has a very special amulet that allows her to turn into a dragon. It also gives her a weapon and another special power. Sophia is someone who raised me when I was little, and still looks after me to this very day. She's not just my guardian, she's actually my best friend," said Sapphire.

"I feel the same way about Rogue," said Frosch with a big smile.

"I assume that Rogue's you're best friend and guardian," said Sapphire.

"Uh, huh," said Frosch. "I have a question, Sapphire. Will Sophia detransform soon?"

"She will, which means she needs to wake up," said Sapphire while pointing at Sophia.

Sapphire climbed onto Sophia's arm, and began to tug her arm. "Sophia, wake up!" she exclaimed at the dragon.

"Can I help?" Frosch asked, innocently.

"You can try, but I doubt she'll wake up," said Sapphire with a small chuckle.

So, both exceeds gave all the strength they had into waking Sophia up. They tickled her stomach, wiggled her ears, and shouted her name several times. But the fire dragon wouldn't budge.

"This is hopeless," said Sapphire as she slid down Sophia's back.

"I think so, too!" Frosch exclaimed as he did the same as Sapphire.

Sapphire sighed, and asked, "You're really special, aren't you?"

"I think so, too!" Frosch repeated.

After hearing Frosch say that, Sapphire let out a laugh. Sophia must've heard Sapphire laugh because she was beginning to wake up. Sophia slowly opened up her eyes and began to sniff Frosch's and Sapphire's scents. She let out a small yawn as both Sapphire and Frosch came from behind her.

"Sophia, are you awake?" asked Sapphire as Frosch and her were now facing Sophia.

Sophia opened her eyes and smiled at her exceed. "Hey, Sapphire."

Fairy Tail: Natsu's Little SisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora