The Snow Queen and her Snow Monster

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"I have no love story for Valentine's Day. But here's part 13 of the story." -Author.

Looking up to see the source of the voice, his eyes dilated in awe. Elsa stood there atop a flight of stairs staring at him with her big beautiful eyes. But this was not the same Elsa he knew from before. She looked completely different. Elsa wears her hair in a loose French braid that is swept over her left shoulder, tied with a hairband with a crystal-like snowflake on it. It is woven with snowflake incrustations, and wisps of her bangs slicked back on top of her head with a smaller piece resting down on her forehead. She's wearing a crystal-blue off-the-shoulder dress made out of ice with a right knee-high slit, a crystallized bodice, and translucent powder blue sleeves. She also wears ice-made kitten heels and a long transparent floor-sweeping cape of sheer ice decorated with large snowflakes attached to the back of her bodice.

"Wow!" He said, completely awestruck before he eventually snapped out of it. "I mean, hi... Elsa." Ben said as he waved at her.

"Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Elsa looked surprised as she asked the snowman apprehensively.


"You built me... remember that?" He asked her with his hands clasped together in the front like a little child that was caught doing mischief.

"...and you're alive?" she asked him as she glanced at her palms.

"I think so....." Olaf responded, a little unsure of himself.

"It's just like the one we built as kids." Anna knelt to Olaf as they smiled at each other.

"Yeah." Elsa smiled at them.

"We were so close. We can be like that again. Ben could help you with your powers again, just like how he helped you six years ago." Anna told her. Momentarily, Elsa smiled before a look of utter shock and fear crossed her face. To Anna's heartbreak, she replied coldly.

"No. We can't. Goodbye Anna." she looked at them with misty eyes and mumbled, her voice cracking. Elsa turned away.

"Elsa wait!" Not giving up so easily, Anna started climbing up the stairs.

"No, I'm just trying to protect you!" Anna looked at Ben helplessly and then continued as he nodded at her to keep going forward.

"You don't have to protect me, I'm not afraid. Please don't shut me out again. Please don't slam the door. You don't have to keep your distance anymore..." she pleaded. Her voice started to grow more distant as she and Elsa moved further up the stairs. Olaf tried to follow them but Ben held him back and shook his head. Understanding the situation, the snowman stepped back as Kristoff came up behind him.

"I could hear raised voices from outside. What happened?" Kristoff asked Ben.

"They're just sorting things out," he answered. Understanding, Kristoff looked up, slightly concerned.

"Will Anna be okay?" he asked. Ben nodded. They could distantly hear Anna sing to her sister.

"For the first time in forever, I finally understand. For the first time in forever, we can fix this hand and hand, we could head down this mountain together! You don't have to live in fear! For the first time in forever, we will be right here." Then Anna's figure vanished from view behind an ice pillar above.

"Should we follow them?" Olaf asked.

"No, let's give them a minute to settle this thing out," Ben replied.

"I hope Anna knows what she's doing...." Kristoff whispered apprehensively. Suddenly, Ben felt the temperature drop drastically. He looked at Kristoff and he had felt it too. He noticed that snow had started to fall inside the ice palace.

Ben 10: The Frozen DimensionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz