drunk again

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drew acted as if nothing occurred that night. this irritated dave because his brain wouldn't stop thinking about what had happened between them whereas drew could flick the 'off' switch to his thoughts anytime he wished.

dave never thought that anything would have happened. a small part of him had wished for it for years, however he personally thought it was his mind's version of casual banter. "i signed myself up for this" - he told himself, he knew that he would do a double take on his feelings towards his best friend when he agreed to partake in drew's jealous revenge, however he never could've imagined that he would be completely fine with him touching him in such a way he thought only his future girlfriends would be able to. in summary, this had made him question his sexuality greatly - to such an extent that he felt like telling the world and sputtering his meaningless emotions and experiences to an upbeat rhythm, hoping that this could be considered as a cry for help, something that would let him overcome his feeling of guilt and lust for his best friend. he was scared he was getting too involved and drew would never consider his own feelings towards him.

"how many times do i have to say your name to get your attention?" drew chuckled, waving his hand in front of dave's face. dave blinked a few times, adjusting his focus onto drew, his lips parted and his pupils dilated. "dave?"
"as i was saying, we are basically at war with this girl." drew sighed, looking through the direct messages on his instagram. he paused for a second, resting his phone on his lap. "honestly. i have never ever taken such lengths to actually make someone feel miserable." he looked at dave, who was looking at him with starry eyes. "it's like-well my intention was to make her feel the way she made me feel-which is miserable. the shock on her face when she saw us two together is sadly giving me a will to live" he looked at dave. he opened his mouth as if to say something. he thought he knew why dave was being distant. dave, whilst drew thought that, snapped out of it straight away, taking his phone out and looking at grace's snapchat. this time she posted on her story and talked about their record labels party that introduced "new and fresh faces" into their organisation. this was something they could easily turn up to without an invitation.

"look." dave said, showing his phone to drew. "is this something worth your time?" drew looked at the phone and the story. he chuckled and smirked.
"i had no idea they were having a party! where was our bloody invitation?"
dave was hoping he could take himself back to the bar, and experience what he experienced with drew again. this was his perfect opportunity.
drew was driving and dave was sitting beside him.
"i swear to fucking god joe if you kick me again i'm going to stop polishing your bald patch and you will be... very upset!" ed exclaimed, trying not to laugh at himself. joe pulled a face. "you look like a fucking grape! you are a grape! you are a-"
"don't fucking say it again i know i'm a grape. don't make fun of my ancestors." joe warns. they continue giggling like children.
"i feel like a bloody mum. guys actually stop kicking my chair" dave laughed. drew looked in the rear mirror and breathed a breath of pretend disappointment.

drew parked smoothly, and put his sunglasses on, smoothing his drew-ey floral print shirt with a straight palm. this gave joe a reason to whistle at him. this obviously caught dave's attention as he secretly hoped drew would get as drunk as he did last time. he felt incredibly bad for thinking this, and shook the thought off immediately. it was just a small and intrusive wish.

they arrived in the building, and joe endured an hour of ed making grape jokes just because there were grapes at the snack table. dave and drew sat down at a table that had a view of grace and her girlfriend.
"i miss her." drew said suddenly. dave pretended as if he didn't hear him, only thinking that this party was a perfect chance for the bar incident to repeat. with every move drew made, ever drop of liquor that touched his lips, and every time he combed his fingers through his hair, the more impatient, flirty and dirty minded dave got. he parted his lips slightly anytime he would just sit there and look at grace with such a dominant glare. it made him hungry.
"i miss her everyday. oh man, why did i- oh my god..." he put his head in his hand, the bass of the music boosting his migraine. dave realised the reality of the situation. he stopped.

this is just his mate, who wanted revenge, got a little drunk and made out with you and now just wants his girlfriend back. he felt tears in his eyes and he mentally slapped himself. why did he let himself get so attached so quickly?

surprisingly grace had become increasingly drunk and had started having an argument with her girlfriend. she shouted at her as loud as she could, gathering crowds of attention. "probably what she wanted" dave thought, but the music drowned her voice out. grace was left alone crying, and he realised drew had become worried. dave was a lot more drunk than drew. drew was seemingly sober and from what dave could remember drew actually went up to grace and asked her if she was okay, and that's where everything turned upside down.

"are you okay?" drew shouted. grace looked up warily and after realising who it was got up and started pushing drew away from her aggressively. drew flung his arms up in defence.
"are you asking if i'm okay? you? it's all your fucking fault andrew. how can you have-"
"grace calm-"
"how can you have the fucking audacity to ask me that? how can you out of all people..." she slurred, grabbing his t-shirt. drew looked around for help but everyone was preoccupied. he turned around and he saw dave drunkenly approaching gracie. this cannot be happening.
"oh fuck- dave! no, we don't need-"
"look at your little fucking pity party grace! boo fucking hoo." dave spat. drew stared in absolute amazement at dave's aggression that normally was non existent because of how much he smoked. alcohol had the opposite effect on him.
"why the fuck are you getting involved?" grace shouted back at dave, releasing drew and pointing her finger toward dave's chest.
"he literally came up to you to be nice after you fucking broke his heart and cheated on him with some girl and you still treat him like shit, and then you blame other people and play the victim card!" dave shouted at her, backing away anytime she tried to make contact. grace laughed in a manic way, and drew didn't know what to do. he called security however they were on the other side of the building. dave and grace were incredibly drunk and dangerous.

"face it, you're literally only drew's experimental little fuck toy. he doesn't even fucking love you. he never has. i'm surprised that he's still holding onto you." grace pushed dave so hard that he stumbled onto a table of assorted snacks, pulling down the table cloth, proceeding to knock everything onto the floor. he shook his head and his ears ringed ever so loudly, seemingly piercing his eardrums. he saw a time lapse like series of freeze frames- drew holding grace down, a big, muscular security guy who was armed taking her out of the building, and finally, drew bending down and helping him up, his face being like the light he imagined you'd see when you'd die. he was his saviour, his guardian angel, his lips gentle and supple like the colours of freshly bloomed flowers in the spring.
"dave- wakey wakey dude." dave could hear him sigh as he struggled to get up from drunkenness and being pushed over and injured by his pretend boyfriend's ex girlfriend.

slowly but surely he started hearing music again, and then he saw joe and ed, talking to drew and joe helping dave walk to the exit with drew. he heard something about joe and ed not coming. his hope of the bar incident reoccurring was still there, as sad as it sounds. drew waved them goodbye and  he then picked up dave, carrying him to the car to drive him back home.

why was it that they could only develop their relationship when they were drunk? why was it that neither had the courage to talk about their emotions or feelings? why did dave agree to this and why did drew want to get petty revenge? what was the true reason to going to the extreme of potentially ruining a friendship forever? dave kept conscious.

drew sighed and turned the engine on. "let's get us tucked up in bed then." he sighed, as dave gripped on to his hand for stability.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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