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that night, oh boy. did dave sleep? yes. too much. and maybe he was enjoying it a little too much, in drew's opinion.


"mmh..." dave mumbled in his sleep. this was weird, because dave was one of the most quietest and most peaceful creatures when he slept. "mm..."
drew couldn't get to sleep. he had tried to for hours now, and he couldn't. he wasn't thinking about dave. he was thinking about grace, and how she could even dare to literally go out with someone just to make him jealous. yes, that's what drew was doing too, he understood that, but this girl thought she was in love with her. dave and drew are just friends, and that's the way drew wanted it to be, and also, this was all planned out perfectly.
"mmh.. please....mmh.." dave whimpered quietly in his sleep, his grip on his duvet getting tighter. drew turned around, making that raised-eyebrow-surprised look he does and looked at dave, turning his lamp on, slowly, since it was one of those which you could adjust the brightness of it. he looked at dave, really shocked and confused.

"oh-oh... fuck..." dave cursed, his mouth gaping as he slept. drew suddenly realised, a blush also rising to his face, which he ignored.
"drew...drew..." dave panted, and drew flushed red, making him wake dave up vigorously.
"dave, wake the fuck up." he said quickly, embarrassed for him.
"huh-huh-what?" he said, his expression as if he had just smoked a kilo of weed. "why are you waking me up? are we being mugged?"
"no-no-" he paused, gulping a little. "you were just having a nightmare, and you-uh- looked distressed"
"nightmare? i can't remember a nightmare." dave said, confusedly. "just let me go back to sleep, god." dave shuffled, unexpectedly hugging drew and drew tensed for a second, remembering the dream and the situation, and then relaxed, remembering it was dave motherflipping bayley, his best friend.
"goodnight, dave."
"night-night, don't let those fucking bed bugs bite." he said raspily, giggling adorably and falling asleep nearly straight away as drew hugged him back- this was platonic. for drew.

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