Chapter 77: Wise Advice or a Drunken Rant?

Start from the beginning

"Ava wouldn't do that. She loves me."

"Has she even told you that?" He asks, already knowing the answer, "Right, she hasn't. El told me, all the time. We've been together for years for fucks sake. And she still did it. Only way to make sure it doesn't happen is if she's here with you."

I know Louie is still half drunk with how he's rambling on, but I can't help the nagging feeling that he may be right.

"Listen Harry. El goes to UNI in a small town. The amount of men at campus that would try to pursue her is pretty small. If Ava moves to LA, she's going to have loads of lads after her. She's already in the public eye so everyone already knows her name, she's got her charity work which makes her desirable for any celebrity or politician who wants to look better, she's right fit, and she's bloody rich. If she's away from you for long enough it will happen. Phone calls from thousands of miles away and a few days together a month doesn't compare to someone who is right there with her everyday. Someone who's giving her everything you can't cause you're away on tour."

"Stop. Don't want to hear this." I shake my head and stand up. "None of this even matters anyway. She'll stay... I know she will. I still have a little over a week left to get her to."

"A week?" Louie looks at me confused, "The contract is up on Monday."

"Next Monday." I correct him.

"No, this Monday. It's been three months this Monday."

"What?" I go over the days in my head, realizing he's right. Shit.

"You have three days mate. If she hasn't signed it yet, it's probably cause she isn't going to."

"No, you're wrong." I say, trying to convince myself that my own words are true.

"Just get her to sign the damn thing and get it to the lawyer. Once he has it, it's done. You know I'm right about all this."

"No, you're drunk. Now get some sleep, we have the interview in the morning to announce next years tour. You need to show up sober."

"Fine, but think about what I said. And do whatever it bloody takes to get her to stay." He advises me as I leave his room.

I can't help but replay his words over and over again as I ride the lift up to the suite. Ava wouldn't do that. She wouldn't.

But I don't know if I can take that chance.

I quietly walk into the suite, finding Ava snuggled up under the covers, fast asleep. The thought of not being with her drives me mad.

I take off my clothes, leaving just my boxers on as I crawl into bed. I pull Ava towards me, and whisper in her ear.


She doesn't move.

"Ava." I repeat, raising my voice just a notch.

She stirs but doesn't wake up.

I repeat myself three mores times till she finally opens her eyes.

"Hey you." She lazily smiles at me. God, she's cute right now.

"Heyyyyyy. Want to ask you something."

"How did it go with Louie?" She asks groggily.

"Fine.... I need to ask you something."

"What time is it?"

I look over her shoulder at the clock, "Almost four am."

She groans and fights to keep her eyes open, "Can it wait till morning?"

"No love, it can't."

"Well what is it then?" She questions, opening her eyes wide to try to wake herself up.

"I know we haven't talked about it for several days... But have you signed the contract?"

"What? Really Harry? You want to talk about this at four am?"

"Please just answer the question Av."

"This is ridiculous."

"Is that a no?"

"No I haven't signed it. I still don't know what to do." She sighs.

"When are you going to decide?" I ask, trying to hide the panic in my voice. I was really hoping she had and I just didn't know it yet.

"Harry I don't know. This is a pretty serious discussion to be having when I'm half asleep."

"Aren't you afraid if we are apart so much one of us could find someone else?"

"What?" She asks, now sitting up.

I sit up as well and lean back against the headboard.

"Do you ever worry that I may cheat on you when we're apart?" I ask, trying to spin this on myself.

"Honestly the thought never crossed my mind. Should I be worrying about that?" She asks with hurt in her eyes.

"Fuck. No that's not what I meant. Course I wouldn't."

She looks at me confused, "Do you think I'll cheat?"

"No. It's just that..."

"That what?"

"El cheated on Louie."

"No, she wouldn't!" Ava answers, shocked just like I was at the news.

"She did. Some asshole gave her the attention Louie couldn't."

"Poor Louie." She frowns, "I feel so bad for him."

"Yeah. It just worries me ya know? I mean no offense to El, she's pretty and fun and all, but she's just a college student. But you're a woman and gorgeous and funny and giving and just... more desirable."

"Thats really sweet of you. But I'm really not." Ava chuckles.

"Am being serious. We would both have far more opportunities to fuck up then either Louie or El do."

"Doesn't mean we will." She shrugs, like this doesn't matter in the slightest.

"Why can't you take this seriously?" I ask, getting irritated.

"Because I don't have even an inkling of a desire to be with someone else. And that's not going to change if I'm right here next to you or thousands of miles away. Now please stop with all this doom and gloom." She says, leaning over and giving me a kiss, "We both need to sleep."

I nod my head, but I don't feel any better about the situation than I did before.

I lay back down and Ava places her head on my chest as I wrap my arms around her.

I know I have to do something to get her to stay.

I just need to figure out what.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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