White Winter

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Woody sniffed around in the soft white substance that blanketed the ground as far as the eye could see, old houses were draped in a thick layer of snow, the footsteps of Max, Alice and Woody dotted behind them. They travelled on through the old town until the road finally led them out amongst fields and fields of bright, white snow. It was a tremendous sight and reminded them of walks in the countryside with Woody with their family during Christmas time. Alice would come back from Australia with Megan and their mum, but now it was just torture.

"Woody!" Max called, frantically looking for his golden pal. He then heard the sound of panting and crunching snow as Woody returned to Max's feet, an apple in his mouth as he dropped it and crunched it, accidentally eating snow at the same time.

They continued onwards, trying to stick to the road which had been completely covered in snow and was now blending in with the grass. It was fortunate, however, as they could now hunt animals more efficiently- but this meant that they too could be easily hunted. If anyone were to look for them, they wouldn't exactly find it too hard to track them down...

As they crunched through the afternoon snow, the dream of a safe, warm place slowly became more and more desirable as the group begun to stumble, much likes deadens due to fatigue and hunger.

"Do ya think that the deadens will get slower?" Alice asked, her breath visible in front of her as she breathed in and out in amusement.

Max thought for a second. "Huh, that's actually a good point. They could. This is the first ever winter while they've been here, so maybe we'll find out."

They continued on and located a nearby yellow car that had been coated with snow, the roof, wing mirrors and all. "Ooh let's check it." Max pointed to it on the side of the road.

When they neared it, Woody instantly began sniffing it, being the only notable object in sight, the rest was a blur of pure white snow. Max took a peek through the left window, hoping to see anything edible on the seats. "Nothing." He informed Alice who was standing next to him and looking in through the back window.

"Oh my god." She exclaimed rather quietly as to not attract any unwanted attention. "What? What is it?" Max became a mix of excitement and nervousness as he took a peek through.

"Holy shit." He smirked as they wore twin expressions of excitement and turned to one another before looking back at the goodie bags.

"Well. Someone shouldn't have left their 'Gooders' shopping lying around should they?" Alice was filled with joy as she looked at the blue shopping bags filled with food seemingly pre-apocalypse.

Max then looked through the back seat windows and bumped it with his elbow. "Ow." He uttered in pain.

"Yeah, I don't THINK that worked," Alice remarked, slinging her bag off of her shoulder and onto the ground and then unzipping it. She fished through it and pulled out a hammer, smirking at the thought of receiving their prize.

Alice took a different approach, hitting the small window nearest to the back of the car with the hammer, the loud bang rang out for possible miles, nothing else around them to absorb the sound. She swung again and again until the glass gave in and her hammer crashed through.

"Nice work." Max complimented her smashing skills as Alice then unlocked the car and they grabbed the two shopping bags on the back seats. "This stuff has gotta be like seven months old right?" Max looked down at their bags.

"Food is food at this point," Alice responded, barely listening as she looked through the people's choice of food.

"Beans, cheese, bread, cereal, gone off milk- ew." Alice threw the milk out onto the pavement rather aggressively and it spilt everywhere, adding to the whiteness of the snow. Max then shut the door when Woody climbed in and sat between them.

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