Chapter 11

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Delilah's POV

The pack house was beautiful. Despite the fact everyone seemed to whisper about me, the building itself had a warn glow. The walls were made from stone and the wooden beams in the roof were bare for all to see. Warm rugs were dotted around as the bottom floor was mainly a large, open room. A fireplace roared with a cosy warmth and stood in middle of the far wall.

Jake lead me to a room off on the left. The kitchen smelt of all different spices and herbs as raw cuts of meat lay, covered in them. A man who seemed faintly familiar stood, slicing away at the meat. "Scott." I blurted out. The figure turned and smiled. At least someone's willing to smile at me.

"Jake been taking good care of you, sleeping beauty?" Scott's smirk was aimed mainly at Jake, whose face seemed to be tinted red. "Shut it Scott, just because you're 'womanizer'" Jake retorted.

"I wouldn't insult your only ally." Scott's voice took on a slightly more serious tone. I looked to my feet as I realised he was right. Looking up I saw Jake and Scott having, what looked like, a mental battle. Which drew me into my own thoughts, back to the Alpha. Back to him pinning me down and asking questions regarding my mother. He pulled such a pitiful face.

"Fine." Scott sighed out loud. "You guys hungry?" Relived to be drawn out of the world I was stuck in, I nodded eagerly at the question. Smiling with a lopsided smile, Scott turned around the threw a few slices of what he had been carving, into a sandwich. "Mixed herbs infused ham sandwiches" He said imitating a posh waiter. "And orange juice." He pulled two cups out of the cupboard and set them down. Jake went over and sat at the island that the food had been laid on.

Hurrying on over, I joined Jake on the stool and bit into the sandwich, "It's good. Very, actually." I stated after chewing slowly, savoring the taste. Scott nodded and had a smile of self satisfaction whilst Jake had just watched me before digging in himself.

After everything was finished and the plates and cups were put away, the three of us went outside and sat on two benches beneath a willow tree. It's branches hung low, hiding the benches in their own secret den. Candles were dotted around the trunk in lanterns for when it was dark. I bet it's beautiful at sunset.

Jake had done his best to control his bed hair, but the dusty blonde hairs had their own idea. And a great idea they had, his messy hair was adorable, how I'd love to run my fingers through it. To have the sparks shoot up my hand, to have his face next to mine. To...

My face warmed as I snapped out of my day dream, but I was delightfully greeted by tingles around my ear where Jake had tucked a strand of my hair away. He smiled when our eyes met then shifted his gaze to Scott.

"So what's this important thing you wanted to talk about." Jake inquired. Scott's normal look of a flirtatious bad boy was suddenly replaced with a solemn look that didn't suit him at all. "Delilah do you know why your mother left?" His intense stare flicked to me and made me jump slightly. I nodded slowly as I remember all the stories she told me of her life. "She said her mate wasn't here, but in the city." I answered, hoping he got the answer he was looking for. Nodding slowly Scott continued.

"Well when she left, the Alpha got himself caught in a depressed state. He was unable to look after the pack and really became unsafe to be near." Scott slowed and seemed to nod sharply, "When a rogue attacked the Alpha nearly had himself killed along with many of the other pack members. Unfortunately, some of the pack was killed. Many of the pack that are here now witnessed this event." Scott's eyes flicked to Jake's, who nodded.

"Delilah, they wanted someone to blame. And they couldn't blame the Alpha so they chose the next, closes thing. Your mother." Jake finished and slid an arm onto my shoulders. Mixed feeling whirled inside of me. I felt sorry for the pack, for the Alpha, my mother for being blamed, but I also felt angry that they blamed my mother and now took it out on me. What did Jake think? I looked to Jake who just smiled reassuringly.

Scott coughed and we both looked back to him. "That's not the worse part." He muttered. Jake looked just as shocked as I did. "I've heard people muttering about 'making sure it doesn't happen again.' and saying  'it's bad blood that shouldn't be spread.'" Scott's worried eyes looked to the floor and up again.

"People want you dead, Delilah."

Sorry for mistakes and sorry I'm not that good at writing but it's fun so thanks to those who've supported me ^u^

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