Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up, gasping for breath in an unknown surrounding. I was in a small wooden shack. I heard muttering of voices outside the door. I heard the soft melodic voice of my mate and the growls of the other male.

I had been changed into a white night-gown and a bandaged was wrapped tightly around my leg. My face heated up slightly at the thought of one of them having to change me and there's a high chance it would've been my mate. Cringing, I stood up and walked over to the door.

"She's gonna be fine." The one male explained and flopped down on the sofa. My mate on the other hand was stressing, pacing up and down the room. His hair was a dusty blonde that was slightly longer than his jaw-line but it curled out everywhere so in reality it looked a bit shorter. He growled deep in his throat as the other male rolled his eyes.

I pushed the door open slightly and 2 pair of eyes looked at me. My mate's eyes filled with relief as he stood there starting at me with emerald eyes. "Thank God..." I heard him mutter. I smiled and opened the door wide enough to fit through. My mate watched me as I slowly shuffled forward.

The other male stood up and walked over to me. I stopped and looked up at him. His hair was a bit lighter than mine and he had mischievous green eyes. "You shouldn't be up and about. You'll give him a heart attack."

"Scott, leave her alone" My mate growled. Scott obeyed and he walked over to the door. "Hey, where are you going?" My mate questioned but didn't keep his eyes off me for long. "Well someone's gotta inform the pack." He stated and jumped out the door. "Although it's more the 'future alpha's' job." He stressed and slammed the door.

He's the future alpha? Wait does that mean I'll be accepted into the pack? I looked at my mate and he smiled sweetly back. Damn it, my heart's beating too fast. He walked over to me so that we stood really close. "Hey..." He muttered. I noticed I was quite tall, against him my eyes came to his nose. He smelt of pine cones and the smell was rather addictive. His finger traced my jaw line and I felt sparks trace along my skin. "I'm Jacob." He smiled and searched my face, taking in every detail. "Hey." I whispered. I could tell my voice was having the same effect on him as his voice did on me. "I'm Delilah."

"Hey there Delilah." He laughed and I joined in. In a matter of seconds our voices filed the room with a musical of giggles.

All of a sudden he stopped laughing and looked at me seriously. "Why don't you go take a shower. You've got dirt on your nose." He rubbed my nose with the sleeve of his red knit jumper. He wore a write shirt underneath the jumper and the collar sticked up awkwardly causing me to giggle slightly. "Sure..." I nervously looked up. God, I'm so bad with people, especially him. He smiled and seemed to pry himself away from me.

"Um Delilah..." I turned around literally in the middle of the bathroom door frame. "Do you know what a mate is? I know you're a rogue but..." He looked around struggling for words. "You must have come from a shifter family to... You know be a shifter." I paused, remembering my mum. Remembering where I left her. It caused me to whine softly. "Sorry!" I heard him shout. "Let's talk about it after your shower." He raked a hand through his hair, my eyes widened.

Aww was he trying to be considerate? Shaking my head and smiling I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Taking off my clothes I walked over to the shower. Now how does this thing work? I twisted the handle but it just seemed to be stuck. After about ten minutes of fighting with it, I gave up. Wrapping the towel around my body I nudged the door open slightly and suck my head through the door. "Jacob..." I whispered. "I think I need help..."

Next chapter I'll do Jacob's point of view ;3 change it up a bit. Thanks for the help Emily ;3 But when we making tht writing club ;3 Although Smemily was of no help with names... srsly bro -_-''

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