Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I opened the door and walked over to the stone-cold body lying on the floor.

"Night mum." I muttered wrapping my arms around the still neck. My eyes burned as tears edged closer and closer, threatening to leek from my eyes. Getting up, I moved slowly towards the door and headed to the room across the hall. I lived in an abandoned hotel after my farther threw me and my mother out on the street. He was probably hoping we'd be dead in a couple of weeks. Me and my mother have been living like this for 5 and half a years. Moving from place to place.

But it's just me now. I sighed heavily and lay back on my bed. I had to get out of here soon, food levels were low and I had to beg and steal from somewhere else. But i couldn't leave mum here either.

The truth is my mum didn't die naturally and my dad didn't throw us out for no reason. My mum and I are shifters. My mum left the pack when she was young because she though she had found her mate, unfortunately my dad decided to prove her wrong.

Despite all of this my mum still talked so fondly of him and how, even just by being in the same room together, she felt calm and happy. I guess I couldn't understand what she meant. I'm 17 now and iv'e never felt that connection with anyone

Part of me wanted to stay here but at the same time, I almost knew I had to go back to find the pack my mother came from. Or at least another pack of shifters. A wolf lost, hungry and depressed in the city can't be good for no one.

Look where it got my mum. The thought of her made me wince and I succumbed to the sobbing and cried myself to sleep.


I lay with my eyes opened, blankly looking up at the ceiling. I tried so hard to remember my mum describing her childhood. I think she said her pack was located on outskirts of the city. Apparently there's forest by there but i've always been so concerned about either hiding from dad or just surviving on the streets to care.

I went over to my back-pack to gather up the things I had left before heading out. I walked into the bathroom to get my toothbrush. I may be poor but my teeth were really important to me, especially being a shifter. I caught my reflection in mirror and was I a sight for sore eyes.

My skin was a sickly, pale white and my face was beyond gaunt. Maybe if i had a little more meat on my bones, maybe I would look nice, even pretty. My dark brown hair, verging on black was dead straight, knotted and down to my waist in length. I didn't have the time or money to look after it. My eyes were like my dads, a distant grey colour. I could tell my mum avoided making eye contact with me, I guess it was just too much for her. The person she thought she loved, didn't love her.

Cringing at the memory I picked up my toothbrush and stuffed it into my bag. Walking out of the room, I crossed the hall way into the other room. I looked at the corpse and the dried up blood stain that decorated her stomach. "Mum, i'll be.. Gone for a while and-" I choked on my words as tears slipped down my checks. "I'll see you soon, kay?" Putting a hand over my mouth I tired my best to curl up next to her and let what ever happens, happen. But I had to live for her. I knew deep down she really did love me, even if I am the daughter of the man who hurt her the most. "I love you." I whispered, my hands turning into fists

I stumbled out the door frame and try to stop the vigorous shaking. It's time to start a new life. Hopefully nothing else will go wrong. Trembling down the stairs I made my way out onto the porch. i hope to hell i can finally be happy.

Although the ominous clouds threaten to do worse.

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