XII. back to the start

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Chapter Twelve:
Back to the Start



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November 23rd,

Archer felt like shit. He couldn't get Sirius out of his head. That letter the boy had sent yesterday replayed in his mind, over and over again, like a record player that was stuck. He didn't think Sirius had meant for it to do that, rather just settle some things he never said, but that didn't stop Archer from thinking about it nonstop.

I fucked up. And I'm truly sorry.

Over and over and over again.

I never liked Candice. Not in that way. Not in the way I like you.

"Alright—what's up with you?"

Archer blinked at Riley Martinez, startled. "Huh?"

Riley sent him a look. "I know something's wrong. You've been staring at that tree for the past ten minutes."

Archer blinked again, realising that he had, in fact, been staring at the tree next to him. He shifted his gaze off of the tree and to the large lake in front of them instead. Spending their free period at the Black Lake was Riley's idea, but Archer hadn't minded. If he tried to study he knew he wouldn't be able to—his mind was not in it. He knew that if he went to the library—or, heck, even the common room—he wouldn't be able to focus, and instead he would be worrying about how he wasn't studying, and then he would worry about how he was worrying that he wasn't studying, and... well, it was a vicious cycle. The outside air and a fresh breeze would help to clear his head, he hoped.

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