"Shut up." I whisper. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I have always hated confrontation.

"You know me and Luke are just going to get back together right? He always comes around. You're just his inbetween. It happens all the time." She spit.

"Yeah well if we all don't remember your pathetic ass always beg him to come back." Calum shot back for me.

"Yeah well, he's already been texting me about it." Everyone went silent. Even Calum couldn't even fire back at that. 

"He has?" I mumble.

"Yeah, we've been getting pretty dirty through text too, if you'd like to see?" 

I shook my head. I felt sick. I gripped to Cal who pulled me away. He led me to find Ash who was against a wall. "Dude, lets go home." Ashton only nodded and they walked me to Ash's car. I sat in the front and Calum took the back. 

"She's fucking lying. Luke only talks about you."

"We're only friends, I'm okay. Just angry he lied to me." 

We pulled up to Ashton and Calums apartment. They live alone because they are both from bad families. Their apartment complex is a tad shitty but they both only work part time so its all they can afford. We went up the elevator to the eleventh floor and when we got off we went to the second door to the left and Ashton pushed it open. Inside there was a couch and a few chairs. An old television that I figured didn't work, and the kitchen which seemed close to empty. Three doors came off the room, one I assumed was a bathroom and the other two were their bedrooms. We all sat on the couch and they suprised me by turning on the tv.

"It may be ancient, but it works wonders." Ashton commented flipping channels. We settled on an all day Harry Potter marathon and that took us through the morning. Around one we all got hungry. 

"I can order pizza?" Calum offered and me and Ashton agreed. He took the phone and placed the order while Ashton went into his room to get cards. We played spit until there was a knock on the door and the pizza arrived. 

"This is good." I practically groan as I take my first bite. They all mumble agrees and we eat both pizza's completely. 

"Jesus Holland, for a small girl you can eat." Calum jokes.

"I don't mess around with Pizza." 

"Clearly." Ashton giggles and takes another bite. He looks at his phone and sighs. "Michael is coming." 

"Whats wrong with that?" I questioned.

"He's bringing Luke."

"Agh, Fuck." I groan. I was in no position to talk to Luke. I probably looked upset because the boys both turned to me concerned.

"Look, we can tell him to fuck off." Calum suggests.

"No, it's fine." I lie. I couldn't have them thinking I liked Luke or something, because that wasn't why I was upset. I was angry he lied to me and made him leaving Veronica so cute and sweet when they were fucking behind my back. I sat on the couch with a headache, covering myself up in a blanket. Damn, I could really use something to calm my nerves. 

The knock on the door came sooner than expected and Calum went to get it. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Michael came in and Luke straight behind him. I was expecting some sort of apology so you can imagine my shock when it didn't come. He sat on the recliner across from me and I could feel him staring at me. I glanced up and sure enough he was. When he caught my eye he just gave me a lazy smile and I looked at Ashton trying to concentrate on what he was saying. Mid-conversation Luke's phone rang and he excused himself into Calum's room to take the call. The boys turned to me expecting me to spill how I felt, but I only shrugged. 

Abnormal / / Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now