10. Terrible liar

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The last thing I wanted to do is see Trevor right now. I hated that I let myself start to like him just to find out he has a girlfriend. I just feel stupid.

I couldn't be happier that today was Friday. I needed the weekend to be able to get my head straight.

I just needed to get through one more day and I was free.


I looked over to see the girl I had seen Trevor with coming my way with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm Amy," she said once she was in front of me.

"Ella," I responded.

I didn't know why she was coming up to me.

"Trevor seems like he's in to you." She said the grin still on her face.

"We are just friends, nothing more." I assured her.

"If you like him-,"

"No it's not like that." I cut her off.

I didn't need her coming to attack me for trying to steal her man or something.

"Well just don't hurt him, I can see he might be catching feelings so if you aren't feeling that same way just don't lead him on." She told me.

"Wait what?" I was confused.

I thought they were together.

"He'd kill me if he knew I said anything but he's like my brother I got to look out for him you know?"

I felt dumb, maybe I had over reacted but I just didn't want to let myself be hurt again.

"So you'll aren't you know? Together?" I had to know for sure.

"Oh my god, no! That's disgusting." She fake gagged.

I just laughed. I needed to stop jumping to conclusions.

"Not that Trevor is disgusting, he's a great guy. If you like him you should go for it."

"He's definitely not disgusting." I agreed.

She chuckled.

"I have to get to class but it was nice meeting you." She said before running off.

Damn I'm a huge idiot. I let myself get all worked up over a guy. I was definitely catching feelings and it was happening a little too quickly.

I know I was excited to be able to get away from Trevor for the weekend. That had been before, now I wished I could see him more. I felt stupid for just assuming Amy was his girlfriend.

I walked into my last class and Trevor wasn't there yet. It was strange, lately he'd always beat me there but today his seat was empty.

He walked in right after the bell rung and just sat in his seat without a word to me.

Great, he hates me now.

"I'm giving everyone the class period to work on your projects today. The rough drafts will be due by the end of next week." The teacher announced.

I sighed.

My partner hates me, what am I going to do now? I couldn't tell him that I was angry at him because I thought he had a girlfriend. That would make me sound like a crazy person.

"So, do you want to just finish up the research part and then start putting the actual project together?" I asked breaking the silence.

Trevor just nodded and grabbed his stuff out of his bag.

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