Last Dance

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Let the lights dim,
Pull back the curtain,
Waiting with baited breath
For the music to begin.

Watch the stage lights
Flicker and focus,
Wait as silently
The dancer performs her steps.

Hold me tightly,
Don't let go;
Point and pull back,
It is done so and so.

I see you enter,
Take my hand;
Lead me into the dance,
Watch me circle and spin.

Together always,
Your hands in mine;
Watch in silence
The magic of the dance.

The music carries its tune
Ever melancholy;
I know this can't last,
But please tell me first.

Tell me that the light
That shines in your eyes
Is not my imagination,
That my heart is not telling lies.

Tell me that your smile,
Your lingering embrace,
That look in your eyes;
Is my conclusion misplaced?

Your hand is about my waist
As you lead me through the dance;
I find my courage solely
In the smile in your eyes.

Together always,
As the music begins;
Your hand in mine
As we circle and spin.

Don't say that it's over,
That this my last fantasy;
Don't say we're done,
This is not our last dance.

Our souls are eternally entwined
Even as our feet follow the rhythms;
We'll always be dancing in spirit;
Don't say this is our last dance.

The music is slowing,
The lights grow very dim;
Slowly we encircle
Finishing the dance.

You pull back,
Looking into my eyes
As tears spill down my face;
Is this our last dance?

Don't say we aren't meant to be,
Don't say that we are done;
Don't leave me alone in the shadows;
This is not our last dance.

We're not meant to be soloists;
We're meant to be one perfect person;
Let the magic work its time;
This is not our last dance.

You pull back and the curtain falls
But I refuse to let go until I know
That you won't let this be our last dance;
With the words you whisper, "I love you."
This is not our last dance.
It is only the beginning.

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