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I'm adrift on the sea

Not an unfamiliar place to be

My ship keeps wrecking herself

On the rocks we call life

At the mercy of the waves

My damaged heart does not behave

It's hard for broken pieces to beat

As if all still was sweet

Lost amid the stormy sea

Seems the rain will never cease

I want to cry and get it all out

At least the storm can shout

'Cause all I wanted was for it to be fine

But splintered timbers should be a clear sign

You can't rebuild what's become a shipwreck

Not if you want to sail again

You cannot trust the rocks

When they turned your ship into a wreck

They will not heal your bruiséd heart

Once it's been forced apart

But ships can be repaired

Made new and learn to sail again

Even splintered wrecks have a purpose

Burn to guide ships home

'Cause perhaps I can finally heal this time

Carried into the harbor where the sun shines

Can't be adrift if you have an anchor

I'm in the arms of my Savior

May the tears of my grief

Become the oil for the lighthouse

May my broken, beaten hull

Guide ships into safe harbor

May the pain I've endured

Soften the currents others sail upon

May my life become the lighthouse

Drawing weary sailors into home port

May they find their safe haven

Where I have found mine

'Cause my suffering is not meaningless

'Cause my sorrow and pain is not purposeless

Can't forever be a shipwreck in life

If the Carpenter rebuilds



He's the Master of the storm

He will bring me safely home

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