Chapter 11

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At 5:30 I got up and started walking up the steps to mine and Harry's room.

"Babe?" Harry asked.


"Where are you going?"

"To get ready."

"It's early though!"

"Yeah, and it takes me 45 minutes to straighten my hair. I need a shower, and I have to get dressed."

"Alright." Harry said turning his attention back to the TV.

After I got upstairs I got my clothing and took it to the bathroom. I got in the shower and just let the hot water wash away all my thoughts. Showers always soothe me. I let all my thoughts wash down the drain so I can relax. After I got out of the shower, I put on my shorts and tee shirt. I went into my room and blow dried my hair. After that I went and straightened it. Right after I got done straightening it, I went in my closet and got my dress out. It was a strapless purpe-ish blue dress that came to the middle of my thigh. It had a strap right under my boobs that ties in the back. I put it on and grabbed a pair of black heels. Next was my make-up. I grabbed my make-up bag and went to the mirror in mine and Harry's room. Harry came in and saw what I was doing. He quickly grabbed the stuff out of my hands.


"No, please don't put any on."


"Because you don't need any. You are beautiful just like that. I'd hate to see you hide your face tonight." Harry said.

"But Harry."

"No Kyra. Please? For me?" I couldn't tell him no, so I just said fine.

Harry went over to the closet and picked out a pair of black dress pants and a white button up shirt and a black blazer. To top it all off, he grabbed a black tie and put it on. He put on black dress shoes and quickly looked in the mirror where I was at. Damn did he look hot. Harry put his hands gently on my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

"You look gorgeous babe." Harry said smiling.

"You look amazing too." Then we walked out of the room. Louis was still downstairs watching TV. He probably has nothing better to do with his life, so he sits there and eats carrots all day. Louis saw me and then stared my down.

"Louis, take your eyes off my girlfriend. Yes, I know she is hot, but you cant have her. She is all mine." Harry said protectively while putting his arm around my waist. I just smiled. Louis quickly looked back at the TV, but I knew that he was still thinking about me. I haven't heard much about him and his girlfriend lately. I'm going to have to ask him about that later.

Me and Harry walked out of the door and he helped me in the car. He closed the door and then skipped to his side. He took my hand and then started driving down the road. We drove for about a half and hour until we stopped. It was dark out by now, and I couldn't see anything.

"Harry, where are we?" I asked

"Love, we are at a picnic that I made for you." Harry said while getting out of the car to go open my door.

"Harry. This is beautiful." We went and sat down and ate. We layed on the ground looking up at the stars. It was a bit cold so Harry gave me his blazer.

"Thanks Harry." I said looking over at him.

"So, are you ready for the next thing?"

"Next thing?" I asked.

"Yeah, the next part of your surprise."

"Uh. I guess so."

"Alright, follow me." We got in the car again, and drove for another 15 minutes. Then we got to this place. It was a club. That's why Harry wanted me to dress nice. Man, what would I do with out him. He is so nice and he is always there. We walked into the club and music filled my ears. Harry grabbed me over to the bar. He ordered me a drink and he got one for him self. We drank it, then went out on the dance floor. There was this girl who was trying to grind against Harry. Harry pushed her away and brought me closer so no one could come between us. Harry went to get another drink. While I stayed there alone. This drunk guy came up to me and started dancing. Then he tried to kiss me. I was pushing him away but he just didn't give up. Then I finally saw Harry. I was screaming his name, but he couldn't hear me. Then he saw me and quickly ran over to me. He pulled the guy off of me and punched him in the face. The guys nose was bleeding and then he ran away from both me and Harry. Harry grabbed my waist and didn't leave go of it for the rest of the night. I only had one drink, while Harry had like 3. He wasn't drunk so that was good. I hate taking care of Harry when he is drunk. He is stubborn. It was around 10:15 when we left the club. We were there for 2 hours, and things started getting crazy, so me and Harry went home.

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