Not new. Over ten years old. Well maintained. Expensive. Several dents in it. Can't afford to fix it. Must have been a gift.

As I continued to deduce the bike, I failed to notice the rider looking at me.

Hazel's POV

I could tell that he was deducing my bike simply from his gaze. I stared at his cheekbones and his tousled curly hair that looked pitch black from my tinted helmet shade. I was to bust staring to notice that thought had turned bright green.

An angry car honk brought me back into reality. I took my hand off the brake and pushed the gas. I had to get back before he did. I still have my rifle on me, along with the handgun.

Going way above the speed limit, I managed to get back to 221 B in about five minutes. I parked my bike in the back and hid it behind some trash bins to prevent it from being stolen. And just for extra measure, I attached a chain lock to a drain pipe to really secure it.

Love that way too much.

As quickly as I could, I ran up to the front door, unlocked it and ran into my flat, tossing my keys on the loveseat.

As I rushed to my room, I heard the door to the building open and two voices talking.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT.

I ripped off my helmet, rifle, leather jacket, gloves, and boots, and tossed them into my closet. I grabbed the first hoodie I could find and threw that on. I topped it off with a messy bun, just for good measure.

As I got ready to remove my socks and pants, a knock came pounding at my door.


"Who is it?" I shouted.

"Its me, Sherlock. I need to talk to you."

I groaned as I walked out of my room with only one sock on and my bun falling out of place.

"Listen, I really don't want to talk to anyone right now, so can this wait until tomorrow?" Just as I finished my question, the door swung open, and Sherlock Holmes strutted into my flat.

"What the bloody hell are you doing in my flat?" I screamed in horror.

"You're door was unlocked. I figured I would let myself in." He replied calmly,as if this was an everyday thing.

"You can't just let yourself in willy nilly! That's not okay, Sherlock!"

I put my face in my hands and groaned in frustration. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I felt an oncoming headache.

"Just state your business and then get out."

"You were the other shooter at the college, weren't you?" He stated bluntly.


I cross my arms and lean on my right side. "What makes you think that?"

Sherlock stalked over to me without breaking eye contact.

He's trying to intimidate me again.

I've never been one to back down from a fight that I know I can win, and this was no exception.

"You have John's handgun in your right leg holster."


1122 words, a new chapter, new year, but still same me! *smiles through continuous stream of tears*


Or am I?

Besides the point! I am still figuring out how Hazel will meet John again because I have an idea then I try to make it work and it doesn't sk I do shit like this (I know, swearing, escandala!)

But I hope each and everyone of you had a fantastic merry Christmas and a happy new year! I hope that this year will be better than the last (for me at least).

I'll leave on that note because there are other things to do.

Oh and before I forget! I would like to give a shout out to aeliziadubois because I just finished her story "Philophobia" and I honestly almost started crying. If you love Harry Potter, then go check it out!

I shout out to you because I haven't read a fanfic where I was almost in literal tears (all the other fanfics I read, when i am saying I'm "in tears" I'm just emotionally hurt that if it happened again, i might cry. Nothing wrong with your stories 😁 love all of you!), and yours literally left me with tears in my eyes. I even told my mom that I just finished a bittersweet book.

I'm also giving you a shout out because I just really wanted to! I'm not doing it for more readers (although it would be nice), I'm doing it because I genuienly believe that an awesome book like that deserves to be recognized, even if it's from me, a person that you probably have never heard of.

Anywho, I'm going to end on that happy little note and let all of you get on with your lives!

Please feel free to leave your comments, I really do read them, and if you have any writing tips, that is greatly appreciated! Happy new year to all!

Stay bright my stars!

Queen of the Night

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