Chapter 15

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Jungkook's POV

I definetely like Nayeon. I just realized it too late. Lisa's a nice girl, just my type, but I like Nayeon. There's no one who can stop me from these feelings, not even me. When the bell rang, the warmth from my hand left. Just as expected.

"What should we do?" RM asked. "I guess we could try Blood, Sweat, and Tears." I said. "Yeah, let's just do that." V said. "What would it sound like though?" Yoongi asked. "Blood, Sweat and Tears... sounds, catchy yet cool." Hoseok spaced out. "What?" Jin asked. "What do you think when you hear the words, 'Blood Sweat and Tears'?" Jimin asked. I guess he cought onto what Hoseok was saying.

Yoongi and I were just confused. "Catchy and cool," Namjoon repeated. "What?" I asked, slowly getting more and more pissed. "Our concept will be catchy and cool." Yoongi said. I guess he understands now. "That's the concept for Blood Sweat and Tears?" I asked, hoping I'd be right. "Yes, that's it!" Namjoon said, getting about as pissed as I am right now.

"Ok," I said, trying not to annoy Namjoon any longer. Yoongi almost smiled at that. But then again, he almost smiles whenever he sees Jihyo. I totally ship it. When the gym teacher walked in, we all scrambled to our seats. I always sit behind Nayeon, and wow. I never imagined how soft Nayeon's hair would be... But it took all of my will power to try not stroke her hair. Why?

1. Jimin and Jin are sitting on both sides of me, so if I stroke her hair they'll think I like her because I do

2. Joshua's crusty noodle arm was around her shoulders.

3. If you suddenly stroke your girl best friends hair, and do it kinda lovingly, they'll know you like them

Yeah, if we were alone just watching a movie or getting an ice cream baby, I would stroke her hair. Why? Because she wouldn't tease me about it. Maybe she would. Who knows. But we're at school, and both of our groups would tease us about it, considering we've done that to them a countless amount of times. They'd probably do that as payback.

"So today, we'll be doing the 3 quarter- mile run. Boys will have 10 minutes to do it under. Girls will have 15. Two times around the field, I'm timing you. Sit down here after you're done. Go," The teacher ordered. I'm gonna bet this teacher's a perv. He's always finding a dumb excuse to get any of the boys in trouble, but if a girl does it, he'll tell them in a perv-like voice, "Don't do it again." Then he'd smirk.

Gross. Even though he's in his 20's it's still creepy seeing a teacher trying to seduce a student. It disgusts me. I caught up with Nayeon on my second lap. "Jungkook? What are you doing here? You only have about two to three minutes until the 10 minute mark." She asked. "I'm almost finished." I told her. "Does that mean you're almost done with your second lap?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "Aish, I'm not gonna make it." She said to herself with discourage. She looked as she was ready to pass out at any moment now. I rubbed her back in an encouraging way and said, "You better hurry. Finish this on time? Yes or Yes?" Then I jogged off. I looked back and saw sparks going off in her eyes. She had this sudden burst of energy, and started running faster than I thought she could.

I kept my eye on her. As she was nearing the end, so was the time. 15 seconds Nayeon, you can do it. But as everyone started counting down, she got discouraged once again. I really hate pulling this card on her, but it has to be done sooner or later. "Nayeon, there's a bee behind you!" I yelled louder than anyone else. "What?" She mouthed.

The other BTS members understood and they yelled with me, "Nayeon, there's a bee right behind you!" She looked startled and ran faster than when she had that burst of energy. "7, 6, 5, 4, 3-" Everyone counted until Nayeon made it. Even Joshua. What type of boyfriend is he? They put so much pressure on her, but that bee thing has her mind right now.When she was running, she kept her eyes closed.

She tripped on a crack on the floor, and unfortunately for both of us, she fell onto my lap. It wasn't one of those cliche moments that happened in kdramas, she just fell onto my lap. I knew that I was supposed to be worried about her and all, but my lap hurts. Once I snapped out of it, I focused on Nayeon. "Are you ok?" I asked. I looked her straight in the eyes, since I knew that she tends to lie about feelings when she looks away from someone.

"I just have a scrape," She answered. I checked her arms, feet, and knees. "Where is it?" I asked. Until I saw blood dripping down from her sleeve. I checked her elbow and there was a huge scrape going right through her jacket and into her skin. "On my elbow." She answered after I found it. "I'm bringing you to the nurse." I said while dragging her to the nurse's office.

"I'm fine." She said as she was trying not to follow me. "Really?" I asked. She didn't reply, but she just looked down. I'm gonna have to pick her up if she doesn't wanna walk there. I really don't want to carry her bridal style, but I don't want her bloody elbow all up in my face. "Let's go," I ordered while picking her up. "No, put me down." She yelled, but everyone else wasn't very aware of their surroundings. Plus, Nayeon doesn't yell very loud.

"I like you Nayeon." I accidentally told her. "Huh? Oh, I like you too." She said. She must be losing brain cells, because I know she only likes me as a friend. But I still hope that she likes me like how I like her.

Hi. Only 5 days until my two new books will be coming out. If you're not exactly into Seventeen X Twice, you don't have to read it, but I still hope you try. Anyways, time for the shoutouts! Shoutout to:
Dxvntae ashleync11 woodenwood thx for voting!

And shoutout to KimElein for voting 3 times on chapter 14, I didn't even know that was possible but I guess it was lul.

Shoutout to: JJungNakook NAYEONXJUNGKOOK78 Nabongkook93 thank u 3 for voting and commenting! Anyways, whats ur favorite Twice or BTS song? That's all. ~Peace

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