Chapter 5

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Jungkook POV

It was getting late, so I should sleep. But I won't.

Instead, I invited BTS. We all couldn't decide on what to do, so we all just did random things on our own. I went into the kitchen, and it's the closest wall to Nayeons' house. As I opened the fridge, I could hear laughing . These girls. At that moment, I thought of something that we all want to do.

Crash Nayeons sleepover. "Guys!" I yelled for attention. They all looked at me with a slightly shocked expression. "Yes?" Hoseok asked, with a tone of annoyance in his voice. "We should crash Nayeons sleepover that she's holding with Twice." I recommended. They all agreed.

Until Yoongi asked, "It's 3:20 A.M., do you really think Nayeon would open the door at this time?" I just laughed. He always seems to forget that I've known Nayeon for 9 years now. I grabbed my keys, and walked outside, with the rest of BTS following along.

We got there in under a minute, but listened to what they were doing for a bit. As we listened, Jin looked bored and at some point rang the doorbell. At that very moment, the chatting, laughing, and music became quiet.

I took about 5 steps back, and so did the rest of them. We waited, until a few moments later the door slams open, with a crazy looking Nayeon swinging a bat around, while yelling, cursing, and shutting her eyes.

Seconds later, she slowly opens one eye. Her yelling died down, and she instantly dropped the bat to give a friendly wave. "Come in." Nayeon said happily, as if swinging a bat at your friends was completely normal. "OK." I responded.

"Hey!" I waved at Twice. They all looked really... odd. They had flour all over their aprons and clothes, some on their skin, the flour a bit spread out on their faces, and quite a lot on their hair. All of them froze after seeing BTS.

Except for Dahyun and Tzuyu, who were still throwing flour at each other, and Nayeon who's just laughing at what the other two are doing.

*BEEP* "The cookies are ready!" Nayeon chirped. Dahyun and Tzuyu looked at each other, and continued to work on the cookies. In the meanwhile, Sana and Momo sheepishly walk over to Nayeon and the cookies, while trying to clean the flour off of themselves.

Hoseok, Taehyung and I, drooled as we were running towards the fresh baked cookies. Hoseok tried to grab a cookie, but Momo grabbed his wrist, and then quickly let go. Those two were blushing messes.

Taehyung didn't go for the cookies but instead, walked over to Sana and tried to brush off the flour from her hair. Those two tried to hide a smile, but it was kind of obvious.

*CLICK* The two quickly backed away from each other. I turn my head and see Nayeon on her phone, smiling. *DING* Someone texted me something. The picture was of Taehyung and Sanas' sweet moment.

Sana looked over and saw Nayeons' picture of her and Taehyung. "Nayeon delete that picture now!" Sana demanded. "Taehyung...?" Sana whined. Taehyung gave a nod, and tried to take Nayeons phone. I could see Nayeon struggling with keeping her phone, since Taehyung's taller than her and Sana's also there. To stop this mess, I grabbed Nayeons phone and deleted the photo.

"What?" Nayeon asked confused. "Jungkook!" Nayeon yelled. I just shrugged and ate a cookie. Nayeon pouted and walked over to the couch. I walked over to her. "I'm sorry Nayeon." I apologized. She just scoffed. I felt bad, so I sent her the picture. She opened her phone and looked at me. I tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear and said, "Good bunny," She smiled at that.

Moments after that, Dahyun joined us. "I'm bored." Dahyun said. Jihyo came over and recommended, "Let's play truth or dare." After that everyone came over. We decided to just go around the circle.

Jihyo had to go first. "Dare." She said. "I dare you to call Euhna, and tell her that Twice wants to perform a song for her Halloween party." I replied. "Okay..." She knows that if she doesn't do the dare she'll have to choose truth, and confess that she likes Yoongi.

"Jungkook!" Nayeon complained, and punched my arm. I just pretended like I didn't hear her as I watched Jihyo dial Euhna's number. Jihyo had to put her phone on speaker so everyone can hear.

I ring. Nothing. 2 rings. "Hello?" a voice said from the other end of the line. "Hi, is this Euhna?" Jihyo asked. "This is SinB. Did you need something?" she asked. "Oh, hi SinB. Are you- ehm, well are you one of the hosts of the party?" Jihyo asked, her voice getting shaky, hoping SinB says no.

"Oh! That! Of course, all of Gfriend are the hosts. Did you have anything for music or entertainment, because if you do I'm the person you can talk to." SinB said proudly. "Is that so..? Because Twice and I would like to do a song for the Halloween party." Jihyo said, her voice already tight. I could hear Nayeon cursing under her breath. "That would be great! But you just have to make up the lyrics, since we already have the instrumental and title. The song's called TT. Good Luck!" And SinB hung up.

"Are we really doing this...?" Mina asked quietly. I could feel a pair of eyes burning into my skin. I see Nayeon glaring at me.

After a few turns Chaeyoung had to give Dahyun her ice cream, Dahyun had to do some aegyo for everyone, Yoongi fell asleep, and I had to draw a mustache on him. Next, is Nayeon, and Momo gives her the question. "Nayeon, truth or dare?" Momo asked. "Truth." Nayeon answered brightly. I have a feeling something bad might happen. Even if it is truth.

"Nayeon, if you were to kiss any of the BTS members, who would it be?" Momo asked, evilly. Nayeon looked relieved at first, then she looked confused, and then shocked.

Nayeon POV

That question is pretty easy since I don't have feelings for anyone. But everyone else does. I don't think there's one BTS member, that Twice doesn't like. Except Jungkook.


He's my special friend, I shouldn't. But at the same time I don't want to hurt any of Twices feelings. I'm sure Jungkook will understand.

"Jungkook." I mumbled. Everyone looked at me with a shocked expression. Except Tzuyu and Dahyun, who seemed to be playing Jenga with their ice cream. I glanced at the time, and it was already 5. I wasn't tired yet, but my mind wasn't working well and said, "I'm tired, goodnight. Morning. Whatever the heck, the time it is."

I shooed everyone off of the couch, and somehow drifted off into a deep-ish sleep...

Jungkook POV

"Jungkook." Nayeon mumbled. Everyone was so surprised. Especially me. Well, Tzuyu and Dahyun had their minds in another land.

"I'm tired, goodnight. Morning. Whatever the heck the time it is." She said shooing everyone off of the couch. She was probably pretending to get herself out of the awkward situation. When everyone else fell asleep, I checked on her, and surprisingly, she was actually asleep.

I sat up from the sleeping bag I was borrowing from Nayeon. Which you would think smells like roses and peppermint, but smells like vanilla and chocolate. I feel bad using it, since it now smells like... well me.

My sleeping area was positioned next to Nayeons' area of the couch. I brushed the hair off of Nayeons' face.

I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

Not in the way you kiss a girlfriend, but it's like she's a little sister to me. That's it.

Just like a little sister. Not a girlfriend...


Hello! Sorry for not updating in a while, I was busy with school stuff. Don't worry the Euhna party thing might be 2 chapters from now. And don't think that Nayeon and Jungkooks' relationship will progress that fast. Also happy birthday Nayeon!


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