The Future..

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{Eight years later...}

My teenage years were the best years of my life. I found my self at a state where I didn't know where I was going. I'm happy that I meet Allie and Kylie, along the way. If it wasn't for Allie begging me to go to the One Direction concert with her maybe I wouldn't have ever connected back to Harry. I'm glad I did because I meet my five new best friends. Harry has been the biggest part of my life yeah maybe we had a bunch of ups and downs but we all learn from our mistakes that's why I'm happy to be happily married,with a son who just turned two named Eli (I had him at 25). In which Harry and I just found out we're having another one which is a little girl name Delilah.

I'm also happy to have met my long lost best friend/ sister Carter we grew up together and she means the world to me, and Kalel who was the sweet thing ever. We all glided with each other. I will never forget our teenage memories.

I'm a 27 year old pediatrician, a mommy to two kids, and a wife. Living the life in New York in my dream home town with our dog Curly. Yes the little puppy I got Harry for Christmas a few years ago.

Allie is working her dream job as a Photographer in England with a little girl named Isabella.

Kylie lives in Hollywood, living the life of a Marine Biologist with a daughter named Rose and son named Charlie.

Kalel is also a Marine Biologist currently living in England,with two boys named Jackson and Aiden.

And Carter who is a Fashion Designer is still in L.A with a girl named Darcy.

Pretty much we all went our separate ways, but that doesn't mean that we are all not in touch with each other.

We still come home to L.A to visit each other and celebrate the holidays together and every single summer we do plan a big trip together as a big family.

No matter how far apart we all are. We're all doing our own things with our own family living life and enjoying ever moment of it.

I'll forever call my best friends my home, my heart, my Infinity.



Sorry it's been so long since I updated, But I just wanted to say a quick little thank you for just everything I love you guys!

So that it!

I hope you enjoyed that!

See you beautiful humans soon! 😊🎉😭😍🙈🙊🙉👌👑💕💜✨


Word Count-- 438 words

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