Chapter 36

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Chapter 36- It's Time

{two days later}

I woke up with the biggest smile upon my face. Today I am marrying the man of dreams. My best friend, my other half.

I heard a knock at the door and I quickly got up to go answer it, as soon as I opened the door I was bombarded with hugs from Allie, Kylie, Kalel, and Carter.

"Zoey you're getting married! Gahhh I'm so happy for you!" Allie screams, I laugh at her and gave all my friends a hug.

"Also Zoey, we have a little surprise for you. There's someone I want you to meet." Kalel spoke walking towards the door. I looked at her perplexed and looked at the door noticing Niall's sister- in law holding her son which is Niall's nephew.

"Omg hi Denise!" I say giving her a hug. I looked down at baby Theo holding his little hands. "And hi baby Theo, how are you?" I say in a baby voice.

Denise laughs handing me Theo. I carefully took him from her hands and held him tightly into my arms. I was in awe just staring at how cute he was.

"Where's Greg?" I asked Denise, she looked up from her phone and replied, "He is with Niall and the rest of the boys and of course the groom." She smiled brightly as she said the word "groom". I smiled back, handing her back Theo and went towards the bathroom.

I check my phone seeing that it was only eleven pm and the wedding didn't start until five so I decided to start getting prepared since it's gonna be a lot of a chaos later when ever one is trying to get ready.

As everyone was sitting around my hotel room ordering room service. I went to go grab a wash and dry towel and my undergarments.

"Hey Zo what do you want for breakfast?" Kylie asked, while on the phone with I'm guessing room service. I quickly tell her my order and than walked back to the bathroom to go shower.


It is now twelve and everyone is starting to get prepared for this wedding. Louis's parents have just arrived with the girls so now it's me, Allie, Kylie, Carter, Kalel, Phoebe, Daisy, Fizzy, Lottie, Denise, Theo and Jay in my room. Since Felicite, Charlotte, Denise and Jay weren't actually in the wedding they were already dress up nice in their dresses and let me tell you Charlotte is like Allie so I was surprised to see her in a dress, but she looked absolutely beautiful.

Right now I had just got done eating my breakfast and Allie was currently doing some finishing touches with my hair, and was fixing to start on my makeup.

"Allie I'm scared." I say looking down at my hands.

She furrow her eyebrows, "Why?" I shrug not really knowing why. "I mean I don't know, what if I start to stutter and fumble on trying to say my vows, what if as I'm walking I trip and fall, what if I just completely embarrass myself in front of Harry's family and not only their family but the boy's family, and the girl's family and just basically everyone. And what if I-"

Allie cut me off placing her hands gently on my shoulders, "Zoey calm down!, you're gonna be fine. We are all here for you and Harry. This is ya'll special day that we're all taking the time out of our day to celebrate. I want you to breathe in and breathe out. Everything is going to be okay, I promise and I love you." She kissed the top of my head.

I laughed slightly, and did exactly what she said and breathe in, and breathe out. "Thank you Al, I love you too." She smiled and went back to doing my makeup.

It was finally time for me to put on my dress. Allie and Kylie decided to help me put it on in the bathroom, while everyone else waited outside for my reveal.

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