Chapter 24

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Chapter 24- Disneyland Part 1

---Zoey's Pov---

I was getting ready to go to Disneyland with the gang. Last night was fun and than you know...that thing happen so yeah..

"Zoey come on lets go!" Allie yelled.

"I'm coming I need to put on Minnie Mouse ears!" I replied.

I was wearing my Minnie Mouse lace tank top, black shorts,with my red toms. My purple hair was curlied and I had my Minnie Mouse ears on. I wore mascara and eye liner and wore meh dreamcatchers bracelet.

I grabbed my phone and minni duffle bag.

"Okay I'm ready!" I say.

Niall locked the door behind him, and we all piled into Allie's hippie van.

Disneyland was only half an hour away so we grabbed some taco bell.

I told Niall my order since Allie was going with him.

Allie and Niall came back with a huge bag full of our orders and we all ate.


"Someones obessed with scrumps." I joked.

"Shut up! Scrumps is Lilo and I's best friend."

I rolled my eyes going through sercurity and getting my I.D card. I got a Princess and a Frog card it was so cool. The card was for getting snacks and going to the gift shop.

We signed into our hotel and got our fast passes. We decided on staying two days, and one night here in Disneyland.

"Let's go to our hotel first." Zayn said.

"Wait girls meeting!" I say, pulling the girls away from the guys.

"I'm not sharing a room with Harry!"

"Ughh! but Zoey!" Allie whined.

"No! Nope! Never! Ughh!"

"Well Harry is gonna marrying Cara I can see why,we can't do that to Harry." Kalel said.


"Thank you someone who gets me!, and plus I don't want to ruin Harry and Cara's relationship like I already have."

They all shot their eyes up at me



We turned our heads to the boys giving them a quick smile and they turn their heads to me.

"Tell us what happen like now!" Kylie giggled.

"Not now we're in Disneyland this can wait!"

"Ughh fine! but as soon as we get home you better tell us!" Carter warned.

I nodded and we walked back to the guys.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Liam asked, being nosey.

"Nothing just room arrangements." I replied.

"Wait Zoey this isn't about that thing that happen?" Harry questioned.

I looked at him as to say shut up!

"What thing?" Louis says.

"Nothing look you guys have a room and the girls have a room!" I said, and looked at all their confused faces.

"Okay? Okay" I say, quickly heading to our hotel.

We stayed at the Disney's Pardise Pier and got a Standard View, It had three rooms. In the first room 2 queen sized beds, the second room had 2 queen sized bed and a sized sleeper sofa. And the last room which was my room a queen sized bed.

Infinity (Squeal-Over Again)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora