Train & Tame!

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It was the beginning of a new day after the events of raynare the gremory household has gained a bishop healer. Y/N however never got a chance to meet this new Bishop when he awoke he was in the realm of the dragons with a projection of big red, "this was the only way I could see you dragon" Y/N looked up at Big Red The size was unfathomable like looking at a giant building  spreading over miles wide.  "I am what you know as Big Red the repeated awakenings of your true nature has caught my attention therefore I have decided to help tame you and help you control your energy more efficiently" Y/N felt a sweat roll down his head, this presence was overwhelming his mind filled with an urge to kneel but he stayed strong he stood his ground. A smile crept to his lips at the thought of training "first meditation" Spoke big red his voice came from inside Y/N's head.

Y/N watched as his body was enveloped in a bright light he was suddenly in a shaolin monk styled robe with a dragon flair. Y/N looked at himself and whistled "For a giant dragon you've got a good sense of style" He heard a grumble from the actual dragon causing Y/N to sit down and cross his legs he felt his hands be guided into fist then placed together. Y/N focused on the sound of rushing water and his breathing as he began to clear his mind. He suddenly opened his eyes and found big red and his own dragon besides him

"good you finally came, I have rooted out the core of your power, the dragon is the manifestation of your potential and instincts I'm gonna teach you how to tap into a small portion of your power without going berserk, first things first Aura manipulation.. With enough practice you'll be able to see, and sense others aura and lastly read them to predict attacks, I'll also teach you how to manipulate your own to increase your attack and defense." Big Red and Y/N's Dragon stood up straight as Y/N copied "Y/N from now on you call me Grimar" Y/N nodded. Suddenly Big Red raised his hand "I'm going to open your well I when I do you'll actively consume your energy and will die if you can't find a way to condense it and stop the leak. A flash of light suddenly appeared and Y/N's vision turned a slight white. He looked at his body seeing the white misty appearance and a lukewarm feeling he was then snapped out of his trance by Big Red "imagine you're inside a transparent egg shell and the shell is your aura" Y/N took a deep breath and closed his eyes he began to imagine the egg and made it more and more vivid until the lukewarm feeling went away and was replaced with a sense of security "good you've managed to stop the leaks now focus the aura to your eyes and watch us Grimar and I are going to show numbers and I want you  to say them out loud."

Y/N took a deep breath as he imagined the aura centering around his eyes the dragons then appeared to have their own colored aura aura big red's own aura was thick and murky like Grimar but there was something to Big Red that separated him "four, two, six, nine" Big Red nodded as Grimar seemed to be enjoying this. "good now focus your aura on your body and spike it. Like energy is shooting out from your body." Y/N did as he was told his aura spiked and he heard what sounded like a large gust of wind. He felt energized like he could do anything "now I want you to hold it for an hour. Without rest" Big Red  suddenly began to chat with Grimar however they spoke in growls and roars so Y/N wasn't able to make out what they're talking about.

Fifteen minutes has passed and Y/N suddenly collapsed from the consumption of stamina, Big Red looked at Y/N like a teacher looking at a student "conditioning.. I'm going to slow time I want you to train for A single day but this will feel like a year of absolute hell when we're done you're gonna be perhaps the strongest fighter in your group of devils which is the way of a dragon such as yourself" Grimar laughed a deep and murderous laugh "call yourself lucky this will kill any normal man." Y/N grunted as he glared at grimar "how does that make me lucky!"

One day or one perception year has passed for Y/N his build had become more muscular, Big Red spoke in Y/N's mind "it has been a year and you've grown you have the power of a high ranking devil but you refuse to kill? In terms of a fighter you've almost mastered magic but in terms of a dragon you're a failure. Go back when your time comes you'll succumb to your nature of your blood. As for now it's time we get you a familiar, come your friends are doing the same thing as well" Grimar made a dragon gate and Y/N left to the forest. He looked at his clothes and noticed he was wearing a black shirt with a dragon mark on the back and sweats along with shoes. He noticed his group was fighting a monster. He smiled and ran over to them just as the monster was about to slam it's fist down on Asia and her Dragon  Y/N jumped in between them and pushed Asia out the way. He looked back at the rest and sighed glad they was safe "well it looks like that training paid off" Rias crossed her arms and smiled. As Y/N stood up "hello President." he jumped on the monster's arm and began to run up it. Y/N jumped and twisted his body as he slammed his foot into the monster's eye knocking it back he then jumped again and tilted his head up and threw it down spewing a constant stream of fire down on the monster burning it to nothing but ash. He landed on the ground and turned to his friends "it's good to see you all again." Y/N jogged up to Rias and the rest as Issei was completely stunned "dude just what kind of training did you go through?! That was awesome!" Y/N laughed again "it's a long story, we decided to end my training for now so I can get some more experience out in the field with the rest of you I also wanted to get a familiar." he suddenly heard a new voice speak up "u-um excuse me but I don't think we've met I'm Asia thank you for saving me" Rias then spoke after "yes Asia was turned into a devil and became my bishop she can heal anyone devil human or angel"

Y/N rubbed the top of Asia's head "nice to meet you" her sprite dragon then shot a bolt of lightning at Y/N But he densed his aura nullifying the attack "I saw a lot of these while I was gone." he then looked at everyone else. And after that everyone began moving through the forest. It didn't take long for a giant monstrous dog showed up and looked down at Y/N the presence alone put everyone on edge even Rias wasn't sure if she could beat this thing, Y/N looked at the beast and held out his hand. A few seconds passed until the dog nuzzled within his palm. However only the nose fitted inside his hand "Asia and Y/N was capable of getting a familiar today   Issei you still have a way to go. "let's go home, Mike" Y/N said as they all teleported home.

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