Time we fight back

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Y/N returned to the club later that night and found Issei, koneko, and Kiba and the others was all in the middle of a conversation so  Y/N leaned against the wall. By the time they noticed him they had already finished talking amongst each other and yet Y/N was never spoken to. When Kiba and Issei began to speak Y/N cut through "here's my two cents, if you go in there alone you'll die if you die we'll all fail the president." Kiba nodded agreeing with the statement as koneko added on "besides I'm not comfortable with you guys going alone me and Kiba are the only ones who can control are power" Issei smiled "alright, let's go!"

After some time passed the four of them finally made it to the church, we all felt the magic here and it was nearly suffocating. Y/N walked over first and the others followed behind. Suddenly with a kick Y/N and koneko knocked the door off it's hinges. Y/N tried to keep his cool about it. This was cut short my freed standing on a stage "Well well I knew you'd come here like rats to cheese! I'm sorry to say my disgusting friends but this is where you die. Your friend below us is currently in the middle of something beautiful, anyway I'm gonna kill you now!" Freed then jumped towards us but koneko through a couch at him causing freed to slice through with ease. Keeping his momentum he then noticed two of us went missing it's then he looked up and saw Y/N above him" Y/N slammed his foot down hitting Freed square in the spine sending him down to the earth. "Ow ow ow!" He groaned as he stood up. "He's gotten faster this time.. damn lizard inbred!" He pulled out his gun but Kiba sliced the barrel off and kicked him towards Issei. "Promotion!" Issei called out as he ran towards freed "seriously?" Freed stated calmly as Issei slammed his fist into Freed's face sending him into more couches "talk about being rag doll'd. He grunted as he stood up the jumped away as soon as Kiba slashed down. "No way I'm getting killed by devils!" Y/N was suddenly besides him as he readied an uppercut "how bout a dragon?" As soon as his fist made contact there was a blinding light. Y/N groaned as he looked around "where is he?!" He called out to his team "we couldn't see him" Kiba sheathed his sword. As koneko walked over to a stand then punched it knocking it to splinters as they jumped down.

Y/N first laid eyes on an army of priest as he looked at them they stared back but Issei could only stare at Asia. He then began to run through easily fending off the priest but was slowing him down. As this happened Y/N ran forward and grabbed Issei "flex your legs!" Issei Issue was confused but he did as Y/N spinned him around knocking out the priest that surrounded him. He then let issei down as koneko and Kiba ran through and created an opening "Koneko... Kiba.." He looked at Y/N who had begun to fight as well. He punched and kicked with each one landing "Y/N.... THANK YOU!" he began to run but was stopped by a priest for only a second until a bullet went through his skull. Y/N dropped the pistol and began to back up koneko and kiba. He looked towards Issei a few times to check up on him, Asia was free but Issei looked like he was gonna puke.

Suddenly she attacked and before Y/N could even move he had been restrained luckily Issei jumped out the way and landed at the bottom of the stairs. Y/N unleashed a wing for only a fraction of a second then used the chance to throw the priest away. Koneko and Kiba defended issei as Y/N ran in front he slammed a priest into a wall with a shoulder bash. "Koneko... Kiba.. Y/N!" Kiba looked back at Issei and smiled "hyoudou go!" Koneko slammed her hands down on a priest then looked back at Issei "We'll be fine" she jumped back barely dodging a sword. Y/N tilted his head to the side getting slashed on his cheek "we can't afford to lose you or Asia!" Issei looked forward and continued to run "when you get back... call me Issei promise me!" Kiba and Y/N nodded. As he then ran out.

Once everyone of the priest died all three of them ran out to check on Issei but was suddenly stopped by Rias "let him do this on his own.." they didn't question Rias as Y/N watched he clenched his fist. The emotional abuse raynare put Issei through. She deserves to die. Y/N thought. Suddenly Y/N eyes dulled and he passed out instantly "he pushed himself hard today fighting with Issei must've powered his Aura" Y/N then stood up his eyes red and in slits "don't worry it's not like before I took over for only a moment." Y/N said only it wasn't it was the dragon inside him. "As long as my servant is safe" Ross said as she moved around in the darkness the moment Issei knocked Raynare through the window Kiba went to catch him as Koneko and The dragon went to fetch the fallen Angel. After a few seconds The dragon walked in holding Raynare by her throat. "We found her" the dragon then grabbed Raynare by her hair then slammed her face into the floor. Rias made no sign of interference as she looked at Issei "Well what are you gonna do with her?" Raynare pushed against the dragon and began to cry and beg but once she used that other voice the dragon swiftly held her throat and began to squeeze straining her vocal cords. "Shhh" he said as he held a finger to his lips.

Issei then gave the call in a flash Rias blasted her with destruction magic until nothing remained. The dragon sat against the wall and closed his eyes as the aura changed back to Y/N who fell asleep on the spot.

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