Chapter 4 -

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The following week seemed to pass at an incredibly slow pace which wasn't all that surprising considering I had spent the majority of it laying in bed wondering what the hell I was going to do.

I had managed to convince Mary Margaret and David that I had come down with a hellish stomach bug which seemed to halt most questions regarding my little intake of food and not attending school like usual and it almost would have been worth it if it wasn't for the constant knocking to ensure I hadn't killed over.

That had mostly been the reason I had managed to drag myself out of bed on the Friday morning and face the one place I really didn't have the energy for - and the very idea of having to sit in Regina's class fifth period knowing what she knew made me feel a whole different kind of nauseous.

The brunette was already in the room whilst the group of students filtered into the room and each took their seats. I wasn't quite quick enough to grab the seats located at the back but settled for the ones in the mid region.

I stupidly tried to shrink myself into the smallest version of myself that was possible to avoid the unwanted and awkward eye contact from Regina. It made me nervous, she made me nervous and it was all too overwhelming considering the circumstances and so I slouched in my seat and kept my gaze on the blank page on the desk for the most part - whilst sneaking a glance here or there when I thought Regina was distracted with her teaching.

The rest of the class had their heads buried in their books, writing down some sort of equation that Regina had set out for them. I hadn't been listening when the brunette had been explaining it for the past ten minutes and when I glanced up to look at the white board I was surprised to find her looking right back at me.

I couldn't help but look into her chocolate coloured eyes whilst she looked at me so intently. I had my hands clenched in my lap, and all I could think about was how I really needed to get up and leave, because the thought of her knowing made me feel like I couldn't breathe - but for some reason I couldn't and instead felt frozen in my seat as she eventually broke eye contact and focused on another student who had demanded her attention.

The rest of the hour flew by and I really couldn't recall one ounce of information that had been fed to the class and if Regina had picked on me to answer a question I wouldn't of had a clue what any of the answers were because my nose was buried in my notebook that was full of doodles, my shoulders slouched in pure misery and the only time I looked up was when my neck was starting to ache - and when I did Regina was busy writing equations on the board or tapping away on her computer.

When the bell rang to signify the end of the day I didn't know to breathe a sigh of relief or to cry. The class hurriedly shoved books into their bags and headed for the door whilst I staggered to my feet and began to pack up my things, wondering what kind of excuse I was going to give Mary Margaret and David this time to get out of having another meal.

Zipping up my bag as the last of the students filtered through the door, a pair of familiar stiletto's paired with a matching pencil skirt made an appearance right in front of my desk. My hands paused, and I slowly looked up from my worn backpack to find those brown eyes looking right back at me.

I cleared my throat, "Hi."

Her perfectly plucked eyebrow rose as she took a step closer to the desk, "Miss Swan." she greeted, "Feeling better?"


"You didn't attend the last three classes and emailed to say you were sick." Regina deadpanned.

I half smiled, "Yeah. Needed some time"

"I take it today has been a rough day for you, too then?" My eyes shot up with surprise at the teachers voice that was laced with something that sounded an awful lot like concern.

"You could say that," I shrugged, and froze when I glanced back at the brunettes face. Her eyes were piercing - and everything screamed that she could read through my bullshit quicker than anyone ever had. She knew what that pregnancy test said and why I had been off for the past few days. She knew why I was having a rough day today.

My shoulders slumped, and I crashed down into my seat for a second time as I ran my hands through my hair.

"What are you planning on doing?" Regina questioned.

When I simply shrugged, Regina said, "You need to see a doctor to confirm your pregnancy, Emma."

"I know. I just needed some time to process everything. I'll uh - I guess I'll make an appointment tomorrow."

She nodded. "I apologise if I'm overstepping my mark here, Emma, but do you consider telling your parents?"

I sighed, "My relationship is complicated with them. I don't think I'll say anything until my decision is made."

Regina cleared her throat, "If you need transport to the doctors office - or to the hospital, you're welcome to use the number I gave you."

Emma's eyes widened. "Oh. I uh - thank you. That's nice of you."

"I suppose it is, yes."


!!This part of the story has not been edited!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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