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July 2014, Operation Protective Edge [ENDED]

The most recent attack on Gaza which began in July and 'ended' in August, has been Israel’s most vicious and gruesome operation as of yet.

Over 2145 Palestinian casualties have been killed, most of them innocent civilians.

From this number:

Children: 578

Women: 261

Elderly: 102 

Israeli fatalities include 64 people.

From this number:

61 were soldiers 

3 were civilians 

 Alongside this information:

15, 670 Palestinian homes damaged and of them 2276 were completely demolished.

12 hospitals destroyed

140 schools bombed 

6 UN shelters bombed + 500,000 people displaced

The Great Mosque of Gaza no longer exists + 190 mosques damaged, of them 70 were completely demolished

The only existing power plant in Gaza was also targeted and bombed


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