•Chapter 34•

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"Tae, are you getting in the car or walking home?" Yito asks Taehyung softly as they exit the station. Taehyung stuffs his hands in his pockets and exhales deeply, creating a large cloud of white to form from his mouth. It was about 2am and they were finally finished in the station after four long hours; Taegi was now being held and the police were on their way to arrest Kiji as the morning rolled in.

"I think I'll walk. I need to clear my mind." Taehyung replies slowly as he pulls out his phone and checks for any messages from Jungkook or the boys. Nothing. Yito sighs deeply and pulls out his keys reluctantly as Taehyung begins to slowly walk down the street.

"You'll be careful right? Call me if you need anything!" Yito calls after Taehyung as he watches him walk of down the dim street alone. He sighs deeply and pulls out his phone to call Tao as he makes his way to his car, glancing back at the street that Taehyung was strolling slowly down.

"Taegi is gone. Mother is gone. Those bad men will be gone. Jungkook is gonna be okay now. I told you Kookie, I told you I'd protect you." Taehyung mumbles softly to himself as he shuffles melancholily down the street on his own. He shivers slightly as a sudden freezing breeze washes over him and he cringes against the cold. His feet moved slowly beneath him, his house slippers still on from not having time to change, and took him to wherever his mind was wandering too.

Taehyung was barely paying attention to anything. He was retracted within himself as much as he could be due to the cold and him being unsuitably dressed for early-morning autumns. His eyes were glossed over with sheer exhaustion as his legs just kept moving and he was just about running on fumes at this point. There was a whirlwind rushing around his head and his brain felt like it was aching all over in his skull.

Taehyung yawned softly as he rubbed his eyes and mindlessly took a wrong turn down an alley. He paused momentarily in the entrance of the alley before shrugging and continuing through it. He wasn't bothered where he went at this point and quite frankly, he had no idea where he was. His phone was most likely dead too and he had no change on him to use a pay phone either. But he didn't care, he was unbothered. It was as if his emotions had been erased all of a sudden and his was just a walking corpse.

"Oh dear. You shouldn't be alone in a place like this, little boy." A grating, unfriendly voice hissed from behind Taehyung and was closely followed by the sound of a bat being hit against a wall. Taehyung blinked slowly as he glanced behind him to see a young man, probably about his age with a cigarette in his mouth and a smirk on his lips.

"You're not running? How strange for a little scaredy kitten like you." Another unfamiliar voice slipped out of the shadows as two figures emerged from the alley before Taehyung. A small breath escaped Taehyung's lips as his feet finally stopped moving and became glued to the spot. The men surrounding him grinned happily and slowly began to circle him with various weapons.

"We see people like you move in to our neighbourhood all the time. Foreign immigrants. Asians, muslims, even the fucking British don't leave us alone!" The first man sneers as he drags his bat along the floor. Taehyung watches them move around him as he becomes paralysed on the spot and his feelings finally come to him.

And the adrenaline kicks in.

Taehyung kicks out his leg in front of him suddenly and hits one of the men with a knife directly in the balls, causing them to collapse to the floor in pain. He frowned slightly, shocked that the kick actually came out as powerful as he hoped before his legs are swept from under him with a sharp blow to his calf's from the bat. Taehyung grunts deeply as he falls on his back and bangs his head on the stone cold concrete, cutting the back of it slightly.

"Now we were just going to ask for your valuables and let you be on your way, but you hurt one of mine. I can't let you get away with that, son." The man with the bat growls deeply as he leans over Taehyung and presses the bat onto his chest roughly.

"I'd like to see you try, princess." Taehyung spat at the man before grimacing and placing his hands behind his head. The man with the bat frowns with confusion before he stumbles back with a sudden impact. Taehyung launches himself upwards off his hands which pushes the man's bat into his chin with a great force.

"Why, you little-" Another man with a crowbar hisses as he swings for Taehyung who dives quickly out of the way of another man. The crowbar finds its was into the other man's chest while his knife plunges into the bar man's thigh. Taehyung hears the metallic sound of a knife being unsheathed and quickly spins on the spot, only to be cut deeply across his chest. He groans and stumbles back clutching his chest while the first man with the bat chuckles deeply.

"You're done for now, kiddo." The bat man growls before swinging his bat straight into Taehyung's knee and dislocating it. Taehyung cries out in pain and immediately falls to the floor, bleeding heavily while his leg stuck out at an odd angle. He quickly reached out to grab the knife from the crowbar man's thigh and yanked it from his leg before slashing it against the bat man's stomach who quickly brought the bat down on Taehyung's head as he was cut.

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