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Park Miyeon POV

"It been two years since we stay here and studies . I can't believe we will graduated in one week !!" Rose said

"Yeah me too . I want to graduate fast and then I can meet Markiee everyday" I said

"Not just you . I also will met my Youngjae" Rose said and I laugh

" Yahh I'm hungry . Can't you two feel pities for me once ? You both want to see me die here today ? I know that you two was on a diet but please don't tagged me along !" He said as he sopped walking and whine

I looked at Rose before turned to look at Hae . He pouted like a 10 years old and I can't hold myself from seeing him like that

"Okay okay let go but you have to treat us . Deal ? You should thank that you have a cute face or not I will leave you die just like that" I said before went to him and put my arm around his shoulder

"I agreed with her" Rose said as she walking towards him too and put her arm around his shoulder

Hae smiled ear to ear and started talking "I have search earlier and there was new korean restaurant over here"

"That why I loves be friend with you Hae . You had search and we didn't have to figure what to eat anymore" I said

"Why waiting for ? Let's go there now since I'm craving for korean food lately" Rose said and three of us went there

After we finished eating , I went home alone since Rose have to go to her partner house to finishing their assignments group and Hae have to go to his part time job

I walking home than ride any cab because when I am walking I can fresh my mind and also I doesn't waste money . As I walk I kicked the small stone that are blocking my way as I am staring down not waiting to looked in front

Suddenly there are unknown legs in front of me that make me stop from walking . My head went up just to see a man who dressed all back with a cap , sunglasses and scarf too

Actually I feel afraid a little bit so I move left and about to walking but then he block me again . I'm feel so annoying right now but I just hold it . I move to right and he do it again

"Excuse me , can you please don't blocking my way ?" I said

But still he didn't move a bit and just stare into my eyes even he is wearing his sunglasses I can see it clearly . So I try to walk again but then he do it again

I think I can't control my temper again but still hold "What're you think you are doing ?" I said

I move again and he blocked me again "What is your problem ?" I said when he pulled off his scarf , his cap and his scarf . I frozed at my spot

"Did you miss me ?" He asked

I really miss him so much . I miss his smile . I miss all about him . I didn't believe that he was now in front of and talking to me now

I quickly throw my thought and reply back "No"

He shocked and pouted like baby who didn't get his food "Not a bit huh ?"

"No" I said with cool voice and walk away but he pull my hand and kiss me gently

After one minute , he broke the kiss and both of us catching our breath . Then I gives him a peek on his cheek

"Of course I miss you so much . I want to graduated faster so I can see you quickly !" I said

He still surprise by the kiss and said "You're naughty girl huh ?"

I laughed and said "By the way I want to asked something . Didn't you guys come next week ?"

"You are never left a single thing news about Got7 especially about me . Am I right ? . That was very cute of you" He said and I pinch his cheek hard but not too hard

"Ouch I am sorry ! I miss teasing you" He said

"But what can I do . I can't hold myself so I left earlier just want to tell you something" He added

"How sweet of you Markiee until you come here and just to tell me something but why don't you tell me in the phone ?" I asked but he ignored it

"Ouh before I forget . This is for you Miyeonie" He said while he give me a bunch of flower

"Why you give me this now . Why not early ?" I give him a look just to tease him but also I'm confuse why he gives this and come here all the way just to tell me what he want to tell

"Miyeon ahh , listen here . I want to break up with you and" He say but I cut him off

"What ! Break up ? Why ?" I said as my eyes full of tears inside

"Yeah Miyeon but can you please listen and don't cut me off again you silly . Listen carefully cause I will not said it again" He said as he knee down on the ground and pulled something out from his pocket before saying

"Today I want to break up with you as girlfriend and boyfriend and right now I want to ask you Park Miyeon . Will you be my Ms Mark ? My future wife and our child mom ? Spend life together with me forever and stay by my side"

I didn't heard wrong right ? He is asking me to be his wife right ? I think my heart was beating very fast as it was gonna 'BOM'

I look at him and see in his eyes that he was sincerely as he was patient wating my answer

"Yes" I said as I nodded my head many times while pull my hand in front of him

He smiled as put the ring into my hand and give a peek of kiss on my forehead before hugged me tightly . He then said

"Thanked for coming into my life Park Miyeon . Without you my life didn't complete . I love you"

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