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Park Miyeon POV

We went out from our flight and went inside the airport . What a long hours to get here from LA . I miss my birth country . It smell nice and fresh

But this place was different . It change a lot though than 6 years ago . Since Jimin oppa had debut I start to staying at LA for my board study that I get before

It nice that their choose Rose , Hae and me to study there . If their two not there I will be lonely person . Not life . Haha

"It been 6 years that we left this country" Rose said while pull her black sunglasses

"Yes . It has change a lot without us knowing" I said

"Yeah . Should we go now ? It will hard to us to get a cab because today were many people at the airport" Hae said while smile

I smile back and said "Shall we ?"
Three of us was walking but then stop in middle . Because many people run towards us . I mean not towards us but behind us

We turned to look at back and see idol . maybe . I don't know what group is it because I busy study although I didn't like too

I do that because my uncle and brother . Both of them was the reason that I study hard . Yet my uncle work so hard to raise both of us

"Didn't that was an idol group ?" Hae said

"I guess so" I said and turned in front

"But it was GOT7 ! Oh my god !" Rose said while shaking Hae and my shoulder

"Yah yah ! Stop being crazy fan" I said and walking leave Rose and Hae there

"Wait for us Miyeon !" Hae said while pull Rose with him

When we were just outside the airport the rain has come . Not just a little rain but big rain . How we suppose to went there without an umbrella ?

I turn to face them and said "You two wait here and I will go buy us umbrella"

Hae shook his head . He then put his arm on my shoulder and said "Don't . If you buy you will lost your destination so I will go buy the umbrella for us . So you wait here while Rose and I went to buy"

"Wait why me has to follow you Hae ?" Rose ask but Hae just pull her away with him

I laughed . Well Hae is my best friend from childhood . We been friend for 13 years . It so long . I didn't know that we have many memories together . Not just Hae but Rose too

While I wait them both I playing my phone . I pull my earphone from my pocket jeans but it has fell to the ground . Well it was a little far

I was about to go get it but a man with all black pull me back . I was about to shout because maybe he will kill me or what ? But I didn't because I see what he do . He help me get my earphone back

Gosh he now was wet . I was feel guilty for him and grateful too because he help me . It should be me who was wet but I didn't tell him to get it for me

I turned to him who hold my earphone and gives to me . I then said "Thank you and I'm sorry that you're cloth are wet now"

Then he start walking to another place . I didn't see his full face because he wear all black with mask and cap on it

It just only stranger who helped you just now and I shook all my thoughts when I hear my friends call my name

Mark Tuan POV

I was about to went outside the toilet but then my phone ringing and I answer the phone without seeing who is calling

"Hello" I said

"Hyung . Don't come to us right now because there were many fans at here and you was sick . So went to the van . Alright . I has to go now hyung . Bye" Jaebum said and hung up before I saying

I sighed and put back my phone inside my pocket jeans . I wear my black mask and black cap . I went outside the toilet and went towards where the outside door quickly

When I when there , I see one girl earphone has fell down on the ground . That time I has release it was rain so much . If she get it she will wet so much

Before she could go out from the roof airport I pull her back . I pulled up my hoddie and went toward where her earphone just fell down on the ground . I get it and went back to place that her was stand

I hold it and gives to her . She looked at me and said "Thank you and I'm sorry that you're cloth are wet now"

I shook my head and said "It okay . I grateful that I can help you get your earphone . So don't feel guilty alright . I had to go now . Bye"

I waved at her and run went to my van . When I was little far away from her I feel like she was so familiar with someone that I know before

Her voice . Her smile . Her smell like flower . I stop my track and went to the place that she stand before . I run quickly before she has gone . When I was arrive at there she was disappear again like in my dream

It can't be her

It can't be her because it really was impossible that she is exist in this world just like in my dream before . It was only my imagine

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