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Mark Tuan POV

"Miyeon . We were here" I said but get no respond . So I turn to see girl beside me was sleeping deeply . She was just cute when she sleep like a baby

Without I know right now I was caressing her hair gently and not waiting to her wake up . Miyeon hair was soft just like her voice

It was just like I dreaming but it just a few different . It has totally change . In my dream we meet at the convenience but in the reality we meet at the airport . I didn't know we will meet like that

Maybe we was fate to each other but why in my dream we didn't get together in the end . Will she die again like just in my dream . I wish if that happen it will be me that die not her

In the dream I was scared to tell her that I love her but in reality I get a brave personality because I didn't want to lose her . I want to make her mine forever and only me that in her heart

I know I been cheesy this lately but I didn't care because I know that I will only do this for her . To be honest I didn't ever do this in my life to another girl until this girl come to my life

Park Miyeon POV

I was sleep when I feel someone was caressing my hair gently not waiting to wake me up . I feel his soft hand touch my hair and then I feel his lips was on my forehead

His lips was soft and it wet a little bit . Miyeon ! What are you think about . I hear him saying "Wake up Miyeon . We were here right now"

My eyes slowly open and see him in front of me . I was surprise by his stare . Then we glare for five second and I look away . He just laughing at my action just now .

He then back to his position and grabbing his beg on the back . He open the zip and take two mask and two cap

He turn to me and said "Miyeon ahh take this and wear this first because I don't want anyone see us then hurt you"

I nod and was about to take the mask with cap on his hand but then he come closer to me . My breath was stopped because our face just so close with me . I close both of my eyes

I feel something on my head and mask on my face between nose and mouth . He said "What are you thinking Miyeon ? Did you think-" I cut him off by saying

"Excuse me . Did I the one who think that or you ? I closing my eyes because something entering my eyes"

Then I pulling seatbelt and went outside before he hear sound of my heart beat faster . When I was outside I sighed and knocked the window "Come outside now"

He nod and went out . He went to place that I standing . I looking  around the place and turned to him "Why we were here ?"

He turn down to face me who a little short from him and saying "The reason is I want to spending my precious time with you more and I know you like amusement park I'm right ?"

I smiled to him and confused at something . How the hell that he know I love amusement park ?

Then I asked him "How did you know I love amusement park ?"

He then come closer to my ear and whisper "You want to know Miyeon ?"

I nodded and then he whisper again "Secret"

What the hell he is ! How can it be secret ? Wahh this man make me look stupid here . I can't trust him anymore . Then I walk away from him and he try to catch my wrist but he didn't get

I didn't hear any voice calling me and I think he was give up but I was totally wrong again

He then saying something that me stopped at the middle of the road . Not just that but he also pouting although I didn't see it

"Park Miyeon please don't being mad with me . I'm sorry because because what happen just now . I wasn't meant to hurt you . I just want to teasing you around . So please don't mad at me again"

People who around the road was looking and starring at me . Then I also heard their whisper

"How can she do that to him ?"

"Her boyfriend just teasing her so why she be mad at him"

"Why not she be mad if her boyfriend being teasing her ?"

"Just apologies to him"

"She should grateful that she get handsome boyfriend . I wish I had it too"

"I'm pity for her boyfriend"

"If I was here . I will apologies him and went hug him"

Why are you doing this to me again Markiee

I WISH THE TIME STOPPED 2 || Mark Tuan Got7 X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now