two + we are just friends

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[your pov]

I woke up with my hair caught in my mouth and pjs almost falling off. I heard a soft knock at my door, "kiddo your friend is here to drive you! He's really handsome!" My mom calls from the other side of the door. "Who is it?" I ask. "Hyunjin I think that's what he said." I spring out of bed and put on my uniform along with a beanie to cover my awful hair. I quickly ran downstairs to meet Hyunjin.

"Why the fuck are you picking me up?" I ask him. He shrugs, "I live really close." My mom hands me my backpack and waves us off. "Now my mom is gonna think your my boyfriend." I groan. Hyunjin gives me a sad look, "who wouldn't wanna be my girlfriend?" He says. I point at myself, I'd never date him. He smacks my hand away, "you'll see, your gonna want alllll thissss." He giggles, I smack his shoulder and buckle my seat belt.

once we arrived at hell aka school, I ditch Hyunjin to go talk to chan and Jisung. I met Jisung through Chan maybe a week ago. "wassup dudes." I say greeting them. They both look at me then back at Hyunjin, "Why is Hyunjin staring you down?" Jisung asks. I turn my head and see him sitting on the front of his car staring at me. When we make eye contact I stick out my tongue, he almost falls off his car. I laugh at his clumsiness, "don't know he's just a dork." I shrug. "How do you stand him? He seems to quiet and like dark." Chan says. "Nah, he's really outgoing and goofy." I assure them. "Don't fall for him." Jisung says and pats my head like I'm his little sister.

I head to 1st period and sit down in the back next to Chan. "Good morning students, y/n." The teacher singles me out. I look at him confused, "what?" I say. He winks at me and resumes what he was gonna say. I look at Chan confused, "did he just.." Chan nods and we burst into laughter. The whole class including the teacher stare at us as we laugh and snort trying to calm ourselves down. I wipe my tears away, "sorry, sorry." I apologize.

After class I pulled Chan aside, "were you laughing because of that show we watched were the teacher winked at the student and then it got all heated and he was like 50 years old." I giggle. Chan nods trying to hold in his laughter, "all of sudden I had visions of you making out with the teacher!" Chan snorts, we laugh together for a good 3 minutes before we say our goodbyes.

I enter my next class and sit in the back alone, this class was boring. The teacher was like 80 years old and talked so slow, this was my napping period. Right as I began to doze off Hyunjin entered the room, "hi may I talk to y/n?" He asks my teacher. I get up from my seat and drag myself out into the hall. "What is it?" He asks me. "What do you mean?" I ask back. "What is it that you see in that Chan guy?" He asks me. I look at him confused, "Chan's my best friend." I reply. "No I see the way you two look at each other, you clearly like each other." He says, a hint of jealousy in his voice. "Hyunjinnnn are you jelly?" I tease him. "No!" He groans, "I just want to look out for you." He places his hands on shoulders. I push his hands off, "don't touch me." I say and walk back into class.

Did Hyunjin really just interrupt my class to ask If I liked Chan, I gotta tell Jisung and Chan at lunch. I meet them at the soccer field at noon, they're both just sitting there like losers. "Wassup hoes." I plant myself next to them. "Y'all aren't gonna guess what happened bro." Jisung and Chan exchange looks then are all ear for my Hyunjin story. I explain everything that happened, by the time I'm done Chan is rolling laughing.

"Bro he totally like you!!" Jisung giggles. I hit them both repeatedly, "if I ever end up liking him, shoot me okay?" I say sarcastically. They laugh even more at my jokes. "Hey what are you guys laughing about?" Hyunjin sits next to me. We all go quiet then burst into laughter, "ahaha nothin hyunjin." I giggle. He rolls his eyes at Chan then smiles at me cutely, I smack his thigh. "Be nice asshole." I tease him, he keeps eyeing down Chan. "Yeah whatever bitchass." I look at him offended, "how dare you." I say sarcastically.

"Y'all remind me of an old married couple." Jisung states. I blush awkwardly and move farther away from hyunjin and closer to chan. "We all know chan is my boyfriend!" I say jokingly. Chan giggles and pulls me into a hug, "yeah y/n your the best girlfriend ever!" Chan says back teasingly. Hyunjin eyes me down, "hyunjin stop doing that, that's scary." I comment on his death stares.

For the rest of lunch I hang out on Chan's lap scrolling through my phone. Before we get up to leave I ask chan to take me home. "What I can take you!" Hyunjin interrupts. Chan agrees, "yeah I'll meet you by my car after class." Chan says and walks off. hyunjin crosses his arms and pouts, "I'm also your friend!" He says in a baby voice. "Your just my project partner." I tease him. He pretends to be offended, "how dare you!" He giggles.


After class I hurriedly speed walk over to Chan's car to wait for him. I take out my phone and notice I have texts from hyunjin;
"I can drive you."
"Please I'm lonely"
"at least can we hang out this weekend?"

y/n: "hyunjin your annoying lol just meet me at my house after school."

"Who ya texting?" Chan smiles approaching me. "Take a guess." I reply back. He stays quiet, he knows who I'm talking about. When we reach my house I invite Chan in, we head to my room. We jump on my bed, I rest my head on his stomach and start scrolling through my phone. After awhile of us being bored hyunjin walks in my room and startles the both of us.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I throw my pillow at him. Hyunjin shrugs, "you can go now, I'm here." He tells Chan. I look up at Chan who is annoyed out of his mind. "Let's hang tomorrow dude." Chan tells me before leaving my room.

Hyunjin takes Chan's place on the bed, "you like him I know it." Hyunjin says bringing up our conversation from earlier. "Good lord, I don't we are just really close." I assure him. "Why do you care so much?" I ask him. He doesn't respond, he's busy staring out my window. "You know our essay is due in a week." I tell him. He shoots his head up and looks at me seriously, "we gotta get on this!" He jumps up from my bed and rushes around my room.

"Your annoying." I groan. I crawl under my covers and ignore all of his talking, I was tired from school and needed sleep. I closed my eyes and stared into the darkness, hyunjins deep voice soothing me to sleep.

"Damnit are you even listening y/n?"

(( a/n : this chapter was sort of the getting going of the story !! The next chapters will be way more interesting and exciting uwu ))

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